
2021-10-26 16:40:0703:13 2326


what I think is that …

1. What I think is that parents shouldn’t be too lenient, but it’s best that they’re not overly strict

with their kids either.

2. What I think is that we all have a tendency to think of our past as more enjoyable than the


3. What I think is that we should strike a balance between getting news on social media and from

traditional sources like newspapers and television.

lenient 寬大的、寬容的

overly 過于…

strict 嚴(yán)格的、嚴(yán)厲的

tendency 傾向、偏好

think of sth as ... 把...看作/想作...

enjoyable 有樂趣的、令人愉快的

the present 現(xiàn)在、當(dāng)下

strike a balance 達(dá)到一種平衡

while it’s generally believed that …, … 雖然大家都覺得…,…

4. While it’s generally believed that elderly people can pass important knowledge to the youth,

young people still want to live on their own.

5. While it’s generally believed that the countryside is more inhabitable, most people still want to

go and live in the city.

6. While it’s generally believed that the private sector can provide better-paying jobs, many young

people still want to become civil servants.

while 雖然、即使

generally 通常、普遍地

the youth 年輕人(統(tǒng)稱)

inhabitable 適宜居住的

private sector 私營經(jīng)濟(jì)、私營企業(yè)

well-paying 高薪的

civil servant 公務(wù)員

from what I’ve seen/heard/read, …

7. From what I’ve read, roughly 60% of teenagers turn to their peers first for advice instead of their parents.

8. From what I’ve heard, learning a foreign language has a positive effect on someone’s cognitive


9. From what I’ve seen, very few people still read printed books on public transportation now. 

10. From what I’ve read, parents have a bigger impact on children’s education than teachers do.

roughly 大約...

turn to sb 向某人求助

one’s peers 某人的同齡人、同輩

have an effect/impact on ... 對...產(chǎn)生影響

cognitive abilities 認(rèn)知能力

printed book 紙質(zhì)書籍

what I like (the most) about sth is that …

11. What I like about my apartment is that it has giant windows so that natural light can flood in

during the day.

12. What I like about texting is that I have plenty of time to think, edit, delete and reedit.

13. What I like the most about my job is that I’m good friends with most of my colleagues.

14. What I like the most about that cinema is that they serve free popcorn.

giant 巨大的

flood in 涌入

text v. 發(fā)短信

plenty of … 很多的、大把的…

edit 編輯 delete 刪除 reedit 重新編輯

colleague 同事

serve 提供

popcorn 爆米花

what’s great about sth is that …

15. What’s great about playing games with others is that we can bond with each other while

having fun.

16. What’s great about social media is that we can hang out with our friends anytime anywhere,

virtually, of course.

17. What’s great about having a picnic is that we can be close to nature and this is one of the

greatest forms of relaxation.

bond vi. (與某人)增進(jìn)感情

hang out 玩、待著、泡在某處

virtually 虛擬地

form of relaxation 放松方式

there’s nothing better than …

18. There’s nothing better than swimming for half an hour and feeling the comfortable flow of


19. There’s nothing better than lying on a beach and doing a bit of reading; even thinking about it

gives me a great feeling.

20. There’s nothing better than sharing your happiness so that others can be happy too. 

flow 流動

lie on a beach 躺在沙灘上

there’s no doubt that … 毋庸置疑、不可否認(rèn)

21. There’s no doubt that Hollywood movies are popular in China, same as everywhere in the


22. There’s no doubt that the happiness that we achieve together with others can last much longer.

23. There’s no doubt that very few teachers resort to corporal punishment now.

last v. 持續(xù)

resort to sth 訴諸于...、依靠...

corporal punishment 體罰

it goes without saying that … 肯定、顯而易見

24. It goes without saying that time management skills are crucial today.

25. It goes without saying that a lot of the information online today is unreliable; we have to be

very careful about what to trust.

26. It goes without saying that there’s less sense of community in big cities.

27. It goes without saying that today’s youth have a completely different lifestyle from their

parents or grandparents.

time management 時(shí)間管理

crucial 至關(guān)重要的

unreliable 不可靠的

trust sth 信任...

sense of community 鄰里之間友好和睦的感覺

youth 青年

it’s important/necessary/difficult (for sb) to …

28. It’s incredibly important for humans to take recycling seriously now.

29. It is extremely difficult for elderly people to make changes to their lives. The older you are,

the harder it is to change.

30. It’s necessary for young people to seek advice from older people in order to make informed


31. It’s necessary for us to practice our handwriting seeing as it does give others a first impression

of what kind of people we are.

take sth seriously 對…認(rèn)真對待

seek advice 尋求建議

in order to ... 為了...

informed decision 有依據(jù)的決定、經(jīng)過獲取很多信息后做出的決定

seeing as 鑒于新浪微博:楊帥口語-學(xué)為貴

公眾微信:ielts-shuaige 版權(quán)所有,盜版必究

it’s not uncommon for sb to do sth 表示普遍

32. It’s not uncommon for people to have the urge to show off their fortune when they have just

become wealthy.

33. It’s not uncommon for Asian parents to be stricter with their children.

34. It’s not uncommon for city dwellers to want to be closer to nature.

urge 沖動、強(qiáng)烈的欲望

show off 炫耀

fortune 財(cái)富

wealthy 富有的、富裕的

city dweller 住在城市里的人

whenever …/no matter when …, … 無論何時(shí)…

wherever …/no matter where …, … 無論何地…

35. No matter where you go in a large city, you can see people in a hurry.

36. Whenever you go to a park, there are absolutely many people there doing exercise - jogging,

walking briskly, doing tai-chi and so on.

37. Wherever I go, I will try to find something unique to that place and buy it for my girlfriend as

a gift.

38. No matter where you are, you can find that almost everybody has their head buried in their


in a hurry 急匆匆

walk briskly 快步走、健走

tai-chi 太極

be unique to … 獨(dú)有的、僅有的

buried 埋在...

everybody 未表示男女,后邊的代詞可以使用 they, their, them ...

it’s common knowledge that … 大家都知道…

39. It’s common knowledge that the most economically developed cities in China are also the

most crowded places.

40. It’s common knowledge that we shouldn’t spoil our children or grandchildren too much, but

in reality, we’re still doing it.

41. It’s common knowledge that having a goal makes our path to success much clearer.

economically developed 經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)達(dá)的

spoil sb 寵溺(孩子)

in reality 實(shí)際上、事實(shí)上

goal 目標(biāo)

path 道路、行動路線

…, which I think is …

42. The park near my home is where I jog, which I think is relaxing for both the body and the soul.

43. Most people buy jeans simply because they see their friends are wearing jeans, which I think

is pretty stupid.

44. People all around the world are learning to speak English, which I think is good for


jog 慢跑

globalization 全球化

not only do/does/did/can/am/is …, but also … 注意前半句的語序?。?!

45. Not only is shopping a leisure activity, but it’s also a good form of exercise.

46. In order to improve public health, not only should the government build more parks and

stadiums, but it also needs to promote healthy foods.

47. Not only is he a talented artist, but he’s also a good role model for teenagers and young adults.

48. Not only do Chinese people watch weather forecasts on TV, but we also talk about the weather

a lot with our family and friends.

leisure activity 休閑活動

form of exercise 健身方式

stadium 體育場

promote 推廣

talented 有才華的

role model 榜樣

weather forecast 天氣預(yù)報(bào)

the more …, the more … 越…,越…

49. The more we tell lies, the more people don’t trust us.

50. Photography takes practice, just like any other skill. The more we take photos, the better our

photos will be.

51. The more teenagers spend time playing video games, the more they will be addicted, and the

worse their academic performance will be.

52. I think the older we get, the less important birthdays are.

tell a lie 撒謊

trust 信任

take sth 需要…

addicted (對某物)上癮的

academic performance 學(xué)術(shù)表現(xiàn)、學(xué)習(xí)成績

so that …/in order (not) to … 表示目的

53. I try to read news as much as possible so that I can always have something to talk about when

I’m hanging out with friends.

54. It’s best for kids to start learning a foreign language at an early age in order to master this language at a higher level. 

55. I think some people buy luxury items only in order to make themselves feel more special and

superior to others.

56. It’s a good idea to copy some reputable people’s behavior so that we can be better people too.

at an early age 在一個很小的年紀(jì)

master sth 熟練掌握…

luxury items 奢侈品

be superior to … 比…更好;相比…更有優(yōu)越感的

copy sth 模仿...

reputable 聲譽(yù)好的、可信賴的、有名望的

... have/has ... over the last ... years/decades

57. I have taken more than ten thousand photos with this camera over the last two years.

58. The way Chinese parents raise their children has changed a lot over the last three decades.

59. I think our so-called traditions have actually evolved greatly over the last two thousand years.

60. Our city has become more and more packed over the last 10 years.

the way ... ...的方式

raise children 撫養(yǎng)孩子

so-called 所謂的

evolve 演變、逐漸變化

greatly 極大地

packed 非常擁擠的

it’s highly likely/unlikely that ... 很有可能/很沒有可能…

61. It’s highly likely that we will see flying taxis transporting people from one place to another in

the next 10 to 20 years.

62. It’s highly likely that in the near future, we will be able to read news on our ceilings the

moment we open our eyes in the morning.

63. It’s highly likely that the stuff that children will learn in the future will be completely different

from that we learn now.

64. It’s highly unlikely that people in the future will sleep less than we do now. I think we’re

already sleeping very little nowadays.

transport ... 運(yùn)輸、運(yùn)送...

ceiling 天花板

the moment (that) ... 一...就...

stuff 東西(不用復(fù)數(shù))

be different from/that ... 與...不同

from that ... 這里的 that 指代 the stuff(the stuff we learn now)

there will probably/definitely be ... who/which/that/doing ...

65. There will definitely be more vegans in the future. 

66. There will probably be more and more people in the next 20 or 30 years who will be out of

work due to automation.

67. There will definitely be more ways for us to entertain ourselves.

68. There will definitely be a lot more skyscrapers in the future for people to live in.

vegan 嚴(yán)格的素食主義者

out of work 失業(yè)的、無工作的

due to sth 由于...

automation 自動化

entertain sb 娛樂某人

skyscraper 摩天大樓

have no choice but to do sth 不得不...

69. I’m not a big fan of thinking up gift ideas, but the reality is, I have no choice but to buy others

gifts at least 5 or 6 times a year.

70. I don’t like to be an early riser, but I have no choice but to get up at 6 every day and go to


71. One thing I do almost every day before going to bed is tidy my apartment and put everything

back where it belongs. However, I have no choice but to put it off until the next day if I’m super

tired and have to hit the sack right away.

think up … 想出…

gift ideas=ideas for gifts

reality 現(xiàn)實(shí)情況

early riser 早起者

hit the sack=go to bed 上床睡覺

tidy sth 收拾、整理…

where it belongs 它屬于的地方

put sth off 推遲…

right away 立即
























