
2021-12-25 11:36:1116:48 326

People often assume Christmas has been celebrated since the birth of Christ. However, Christmas as a festival or holiday did not start until some years after Christ’s birth and death. 

Even the actual date of Christ’s birth is in question because of the reference to multiple calendars over the years. So how did Christmas Celebrations Start? 

Some theorists have surmised that the celebration of Christmas is related to the Jewish Festival of Lights, during which Jesus was born. 

Other associate it with the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, which was a celebration of the births of several Roman gods. 

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia online, Christmas was not one of the earliest celebrations of the Catholic Church.  However, in various places around the Holy Land, starting in about 200 AD, masses celebrating Christs’ birth became annual events.

In the fourth century, most churches settled on December 25 as the date of the annual celebration. These masses started in various locations around and near the Holy Land. Some of the early masses included dramatic representations of the Nativity.

As early as the fourth century, hymns and carols became part of these dramatic events. It was not until 1223 that St. Francis represented the nativity in the form of the crib or crèche used today.

Elements of various pagan celebrations that took place around the month of January gradually worked themselves into Christmas celebrations, many of which are still practiced today. 

Among these elements were gift giving, the inclusion of a Christmas tree, giving and receiving greeting cards, and including the Yule log. 

Over time, Christmas became a major feast day with special foods people didn’t eat during the rest of the year, such as minced meat, goose, and hot mulled spirits. 

People often assume Christmas has been celebrated since the birth of Christ. However, Christmas as a festival or holiday did not start until some years after Christ’s birth and death. 

Even the actual date of Christ’s birth is in question because of the reference to multiple calendars over the years. So how did Christmas Celebrations Start? 

Some theorists have surmised that the celebration of Christmas is related to the Jewish Festival of Lights, during which Jesus was born. 

Other associate it with the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, which was a celebration of the births of several Roman gods. 


Assume /??su?m/ 假設,認為

Christ  (耶穌)基督

In question 討論中的;成問題的;考慮中的

Reference to 參考,參照 

Theorist /?θ??r?st/ <noun> 理論家; 

Surmise /?s??ma?z/ <verb> 推測; 猜測 

Be related to 與…相關 

Associate <verb> 聯(lián)合; 聯(lián)想; 聯(lián)系

Saturnalia /?s?t.??ne?.li.?/ <noun> (古羅馬的)農(nóng)神節(jié)(12月19日)

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia online, Christmas was not one of the earliest celebrations of the Catholic Church.  However, in various places around the Holy Land, starting in about 200 AD, masses celebrating Christs’ birth became annual events.


Catholic /?k?θl?k/ <adj.>天主教的

Encyclopedia /?n?sa?kl??pi?di?/ <noun> 百科全書 

the Holy Land 圣地(指巴勒斯坦)

Mass <noun> 聚集,在本文中翻譯為彌撒,彌撒是天主教紀念耶穌犧牲的宗教儀式,是天主教祭獻天主的大禮,是整個天主教禮儀生活的中心。

In the fourth century, most churches settled on December 25 as the date of the annual celebration. These masses started in various locations around and near the Holy Land. Some of the early masses included dramatic representations of the Nativity.  


Churches <noun> 教堂( church的名詞復數(shù) )

Settle <verb> 確定;決定

Dramatic <adj.> 戲劇性的

Representation <noun> 表現(xiàn); 描述; 描繪;

Nativity <noun> 耶穌降生 

As early as the fourth century, hymns and carols became part of these dramatic events. It was not until 1223 that St. Francis represented the nativity in the form of the crib or crècheused today. 

Elements of various pagan celebrations that took place around the month of January gradually worked themselves into Christmas celebrations, many of which are still practiced today. 

Among these elements were gift giving, the inclusion of a Christmas tree, giving and receiving greeting cards, and including the Yule log. 


Hymns /h?mz/ <noun> 贊美詩

Carols <noun>圣誕頌歌

Crib <noun> (馬、牛的)飼料槽; 圣誕馬槽(表現(xiàn)耶穌誕生的情景);

Crèche <noun> 法文,馬槽(指耶穌誕生的馬槽模型)

Elements <noun> 成分; 要素; 分子(element的名詞復數(shù))

Pagan /?pe?ɡ?n/ <noun> 異教徒(信奉非主流宗教者); 在這里理解成 “非基督教” 

Work into 融入,插進,穿入

Yule - log 圣誕節(jié)原木(巧克力)蛋糕;a chocolate cake in the shape of a log , traditionally eaten at Christmas

Over time, Christmas became a major feast day with special foods people didn’t eat during the rest of the year, such as minced meat, goose, and hot mulled spirits. 


Feast <noun> 盛宴; 宴會; (宗教的)節(jié)日,節(jié)期; 使人歡快的事物(或活動)

The rest of … 其余的,剩下的 , the rest of the year  一年中的其他時間 

minced meat, goose, and hot mulled spirits 肉沫,鵝肉,熱紅酒 

Goose /ɡu?s/ <noun> 鵝  

Minced <verb>用絞肉機絞(食物,尤指肉)

Mulled <adj.>(指葡萄酒)放入糖和香料加熱過的 

Spirits <noun> 烈酒(spirits)就是高濃度的烈性酒,也叫蒸餾酒

