12月29日早間英文播報:For Xi, actions speak louder than words

2021-12-29 06:20:0008:02 4.5萬

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Aerial photo taken on Jan 16, 2019 shows the Piraeus port in Greece. [Photo/Xinhua]

Honoring pledges, delivering results high on nation's agenda for common development

"Actions" has stood out as a keyword in President Xi Jinping's speeches at key global and regional conferences this year, illustrating China's consistency in honoring words with deeds when pursuing a global vision.

At the opening ceremony of the fourth China International Import Expo on Nov 4, Xi said that "China is a firm believer in honoring its words with actions", and the measures he announced at the third CIIE for further opening-up "have mostly been implemented".

When Xi first unveiled the Global Development Initiative on Sept 21, "staying committed to results-oriented actions" became the last point of his six-point proposal for countries in the world.

In particular, Xi named eight priority areas for the global community to step up cooperation-poverty alleviation, food security, COVID-19 response and vaccines, development financing, climate change and green development, industrialization, digital economy and connectivity.

Ruan Zongze, executive vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies, said, "China underscores actions at a time when global development may be dragged down by two factors: some nations' potential return to poverty because of the pandemic's impact, and developing countries' possible failure to further prosper in the coming stage of development."

To deliver tangible results benefiting everyone, the initiative has also been designed to be highly open and inclusive, and it is intended for all countries in the world to join, Ruan said.

Stephen Bainous Kargbo, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization's representative to China, said the world is in great need of reinvigorating actions for boosting sustainable development.

Kargbo said China has been a good example in "controlling the pandemic and supporting other African nations to also help themselves out of this".

He hailed the initiative's focus on poverty alleviation and industrialization among priority areas for cooperation. "China has lifted the largest number of people from poverty. Industrialization was part of this story," he said.

"And China has expressed its willingness to work together as an equal partner as well as its willingness for all parties to win, which is fundamental in any development cooperation," he added.

During his speeches at conferences and virtual meetings with leaders in recent months, Xi also underscored China's readiness to synergize the initiative with visions including the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Adopted in 2015 by the UN General Assembly, the 2030 Agenda is "a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity", and it includes 17 detailed Sustainable Development Goals.

Siddharth Chatterjee, the United Nations development system resident coordinator in China, said the initiative "is fully aligned with and can give momentum to the Sustainable Development Goals", the UN will offer support, and its eight priority areas "offer great scope for cooperation".

"China is advancing the global development agenda precisely because of what it has achieved, and we hope to be sharing its knowledge and experiences with other parts of the developing world," he said.

During his state visit to Greece in 2019, President Xi visited the Piraeus Port, a key hub in the Mediterranean run by China's COSCO Shipping, where he expressed his hope that the two sides could achieve the goal of making the port a regional logistics distribution center.

Amid the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic, the port has not only remained a role model of the two nations weathering storms together, but has also achieved new breakthroughs in its operations, standing out as an example of China's commitment to deliver action for global development.

Yu Zenggang, chairman of the Piraeus Port Authority, said, "Aside from its steadfast container operations, the Piraeus Port has witnessed a rapid recovery in the volume of cruise ship, ferry and car terminal operations, and more cruise ships are expected to arrive next year."

Xiao Junzheng, China's ambassador to Greece, said, "The Piraeus Port has contributed to Greece's economic recovery as an example of both countries weathering storms together, and it effectively helps to stabilize the global supply chain.

"It epitomizes China's ability to deliver results in building a global community of development with a shared future, and it shows China's global vision and great credibility in advancing connectivity and common prosperity in the world," said Xiao.

Addressing a symposium in Beijing on Dec 20, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China will "push for the implementation of the GDI" next year.

He said the country will follow through on cooperation in the GDI's eight priority areas, reinvigorate global development cooperation, and "leave no country or individual behind".

Muhammad Zamir Assadi, a Pakistani political commentator and journalist with Independent News Pakistan, said, "Through its actions, China has never hesitated in extending its hand of cooperation."

China providing international development assistance with no strings attached "has also attracted huge applause and support from other countries who have really benefited from the genuine help of China", he said.

President Xi's call to build a global community of development with a shared future shows "China's commitment toward the common pursuit of happiness for all, and that is the real commitment of the country toward its international obligations", added Zamir.

Liu Hua, director of the World Intellectual Property Organization's Office in China, hailed the role of China in shoring up multilateralism and countries' concerted actions.

"Multilateralism is the key to solving global risks and challenges such as the pandemic and climate change, which cannot be solved by individual countries but require collective action," she said.

Liu noted that "China has made remarkable achievements in the field of economic and social development", has eradicated absolute poverty and has set its goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060.

"All of these will pave the way for and provide best reference to realizing sustainable development on a global scale," she added.

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播報:Corrie Knight








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