love is locked behind the door——Jazz鏡&希靛

2015-01-07 16:56:2103:32 5009
love is locked behind the door——Jazz鏡&希靛 ?廣播劇《隔壁孕婦你還好么》ED
<吳銘>Your voice warms sound box and my soul, oh oh,你的聲音讓音箱和我的靈魂發(fā)燙,As if sharing your secrets and sharing your days. oh oh. 有如在分享你的秘密,還有你的生活。Your songs whisper to my ears in every nights,oh oh.每個(gè)夜晚你的歌聲在我耳邊輕唱,They drive me to knock your door and makes me like a fool.他們驅(qū)使著我去敲你的門,這讓我像個(gè)傻瓜一樣。Love grows in smiling eyes, 愛在微笑的眼中成長,Love tortures one to die.它折磨著人,痛苦欲亡。Love gives you a guide, 愛給你提示,Love hides like a child. 轉(zhuǎn)身又像孩子躲藏。Love is locked,yeah. 愛情被鎖上。Love is behind your door. Oh Oh! 在你門后躲藏。<晴空>Love is so sweet but also really tough, oh oh愛很甜,也很傷。And no matter how shy you are I'm always ready to love, oh oh無論你多么害羞,我已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好愛你了。You bring what I miss and you give me what I want, oh oh你帶來了我想念的,給予了我需要的。Please remember as you've already stolen my heart.請(qǐng)記住你已經(jīng)悄悄偷走我的心。Love grows in smiling eye, 愛在微笑的眼中成長,Love tortures one to die. 它折磨著人,痛苦欲亡。Love gives you a guide, 愛給你提示,Love hides like a child. 轉(zhuǎn)身又像孩子躲藏。Love is locked,yeah 愛情被鎖上。Love is behind your door. Oh Oh!在你門后躲藏。<吳銘 晴空>Oh hold out my heart and pray for a good luck, 喔拿出我的心,祈禱好運(yùn),Sometimes a bad end ,some time you hear a “Ta”!. 有時(shí)候結(jié)局不好,某個(gè)時(shí)候你聽到(鎖)“嗒”的一聲!Love is locked,yeah 愛情被鎖上,Love is behind your door. Oh Oh! 在你門后躲藏!<吳銘 >Oh may I enter your room and hold you tight? 哦我能進(jìn)入你的房間,緊緊擁抱著你嗎?<晴空>Oh may I wait for your surprise? Next time? 哦我能期待你的驚喜嗎?下一次?Oh every next times!!!喔每一個(gè)下一次?。?!<吳銘 晴空>Love grows in smiling eye, 愛在微笑的眼中成長,Love tortures one to die. 它折磨著人,當(dāng)愛死亡。Love gives you a guide, 愛給你提示,Love hides like a child. 轉(zhuǎn)身又像孩子躲藏。Love is locked,yeah 愛情被鎖上。Love is behind your door. Oh Oh! 在你門后躲藏。Oh hold out my heart and prey for a good luck, 喔拿出我的心,祈禱好運(yùn),Sometimes a bad end ,some time you hear a “Ta”!. 有時(shí)候結(jié)局不好,某個(gè)時(shí)刻你聽到(鎖)“嗒”的一聲!Love is locked,yeah 愛情被鎖上,Love is behind your door. Oh Oh! 在你門后躲藏!Oh ~~~


Love is You



Love is Invisible



This is my love

