Unit 5

2022-02-22 14:03:3708:14 2285
Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1. rainstorm/'re?nst?:(r)m/n. 暴風(fēng)雨2. alarm/?'lɑ:(r)m/n. 鬧鐘3. go off(鬧鐘)發(fā)出響聲4. begin/b?'g?n/v. (began /b?'g?n/ ) 開始5. heavily/'hev?li/adv. 在很大程度上; 大量地6. suddenly/'s?d?nli/adv. 突然; 忽然7. pick up (=pick up the phone)接電話8. strange/stre?nd?/adj. 奇特的;奇怪的9. storm/st?:(r)m/n. 暴風(fēng)雨10. wind/w?nd/n. 風(fēng)11. light/la?t/n. 光; 光線; 光亮12. report/r?'p?:(r)t/v. & n. 報(bào)道; 公布13. area/'e?ri?/ , /'eri?/n. 地域; 地區(qū)14. wood/w?d/n. 木; 木頭15. window/'w?nd??/n. 窗; 窗戶16. flashlight/'fl??la?t/n. 手電筒; 火炬17. match/m?t?/n. 火柴18. beat/bi:t/v. 敲打; 打敗19. against/?'genst/prep. 倚; 碰; 撞20. at first 起初;起先21. asleep/?'sli:p/adj. 睡著22. fall asleep進(jìn)入夢鄉(xiāng); 睡著23. die down逐漸變?nèi)? 逐漸消失24. rise /raiz/v. & n. 升起; 增加; 提高25. fallen/'f?:l?n/adj. 倒下的; 落下的26. apart/?'pɑ:(r)t/adv. 分離; 分開27. have a look看一看28. icy/'a?si/adj. 覆蓋著冰的; 冰冷的29. kid/k?d/v. 開玩笑; 欺騙30. realize/'r??la?z/, /'ri:?la?z/v. 理解; 領(lǐng)會; 認(rèn)識到31. make one' s way前往; 費(fèi)力地前進(jìn)32. passage/'p?s?d?/n. 章節(jié); 段落33. pupil/'pju:pl/n. 學(xué)生34. completely/k?m'pli:tli/adv. 徹底地; 完全地35. shocked/??kt/, /?ɑ:kt/adj. 驚愕的; 受震驚的36. silence/'sa?l?ns/n. 沉默; 緘默; 無聲37. in silence沉默; 無聲38. recently/'ri:sntli/adv. 不久前; 最近39. take down拆除; 往下拽; 記錄40. terrorist/'ter?r?st/n. 恐怖主義者; 恐怖分子41. date/'de?t/n. 日期; 日子42. tower/'ta??(r)/n. 塔; 塔樓43. truth/tru:θ/n.實(shí)情; 事實(shí)44. Allen/'?l?n/艾倫(姓)45. Martin Luther King/'mɑ:(r)t?n/ /'lu:θ?(r)/ /k??/馬丁·路德·金46. Alabama/'?l?'b?m?/阿拉巴馬州(美國)47. Animal Helpline/'helpla?n/動物保護(hù)熱線48. World Trade Center世貿(mào)大樓(美國紐約)Grammar focusWhat were you doing at eight last night?I was taking a shower.What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm?She was doing her homework.What was he doing when the rainstorm came?He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner.What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.




