Conversation 29: Beauty Center

2023-01-15 19:42:0901:33 85


(Mr.Smith wants to have a shampoo and haircut. )

A: Masseuse B Mr Smith CBarber

A:Good evening, sir .May I help you ?

B:A shampoo and haircut, please.

A:Yes, sir. Please take a seat here .

B:Thank you .

A:Shall I give you a head and facial massage before shampooing ?

B:That's nice . I do want to relax myself.

A:Am I rubbing properly .

B:Yes .But it will be better if you use a little more force .

A:I see .

B:You're very skillful .I feel very well .

A:Please come and have a shampoo .What shampoo do you prefer?

B:An ordinary shampoo, please .

A:Please return to the seat and have a haircut .

C Howwould you like your haircut ?

B Asit is now .Please give it a good trimming .

C:Is this the way you part your hair ?

B:Yes ,I'd like my hair parted in the middle .

C:How would you like your sideburns ?

B:Just a trim please .

C:Do you want to shave off your moustache ?

B:No .I usually trim it myself .

C:Any hair cream or tonic ,sir ?

B:No. thank you .That's all .I am satisfied with your shampoo andhaircut .

A:Thank you very much.


masseuse 女按摩師

havea shampoo and haircut.洗頭和理發(fā)

ahead and facial massage 頭部和面部按摩

Pleasegive it a good trimming 輕把它好好修一修

Isthis the way you part your hair ?您是這樣分頭路的嗎?


Anyhair cream or tonic ,sir ?要用一些發(fā)膏或護(hù)發(fā)素嗎?

shaveoff your moustache 刮掉小胡須

