
2017-12-02 19:08:0601:08 695

Mr. Brown went toLondonby train with hisfriends Mr. Fried Brook. They got out at Victoria Station. Mr. Brown was late, so he took a taxi from the station to his office. He worked in a bank inLondon, he is the manager. The taxi came round a corner and acar ran into it. A window broke and a wheel cameoff. Mr. Brown fell and hit his head on the door. The car did not stop; it drove away. A policeman shouted, but the car did not stop. Mr. Brown got out of the taxi. The policeman spoke to Mr. Brown and to thetaxi-driver, he was very angry. He wrote the number of the car in his little blackbook. The taxi-driver was angry, too, he shouted and waved hisarms. The policeman asked many questions. Then Mr. Brown walked to his bank. There he sat on a chair and had a cup of tea. Hedid not work that morning.


