unit 5 reading and thinking

2023-03-20 10:58:5603:58 1.6萬

reading and thinking.two read the scene and answer the questions.the million pound bank note.act one,scene three.two rich brothers,roderick and Oliver,have made a bet. Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note , a  could live a month in London 。 his brother roderick doubts it.they see a poor , young ,  walking outside their house 。 it is Henry adams.young  would you step inside a moment , please ? who me sir,yes,you opening the door good morning,sir,would you please come in?Henry enters the house.how do you do mister um?adams,Henry adams come and sit down mister adams,thank you,you're an American. that's right from SAN francisco. May we ask what you're doing in this country and what your plans are.well,i can't say that I have any plans.as a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident. how is that possible well? I had my own boat about a month ago. I was sailing and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.the next morning I was spotted by a ship. and it was the ship that brought you to england. yes,I went to the American consulate to seek help,but.anyway,i didn't dare to try again.the brothers smile at each other. well,you mustn't worry about that. it's an advantage,I'm afraid i don't quite follow you,sir.tell US what sort of work did you do in America,I.I worked for a mining company.could you offer me work here patience? if you don't mind,May I ask you how much money you have well to be honest?I have none happily what luck brother,what luck well,it May seem lucky to you,but not to me. if this is your idea of some kind of joke,i don't think it's very funny now,if you will excuse me.i ought to be on my way,please don't go,you mustn't think we don't care about you. Oliver give him the letter,yes,I was about to go get the letter wait getting it from a desk and giving it to Henry.the latter taking it k. for me,for you.Henry starts to open it,oh no,you'd better not open it. you can't open it until two o'clock oh.this is silly,not silly. there's money in it,oh no,i don't want your charity I. I just want a job that earns an honest income. we know you're hard working,that's why we've given you the letter.to the servant show,mister adams out,well,why don't you explain what this is all about? you'll soon know in exactly an hour and a half.this way,sir,not until two o'clock promise.promise goodbye.

