4-4 average inflation rate

2023-09-14 10:34:2903:22 28

4-4Average inflation rate

To account for the effect of varying yearly inflation rates over a period of several years, we can compute a single rate that represents an average inflation rate. Since each individual years inflation rate is based on the previous years rate, all of these rates have a compounding effect. As an example, suppose we want to calculate the average inflation rate for a two year period: the first years inflation rate is4%. and the second years rate is 8% each on a base price of $100.

Step1. to find the price at the end of the second year, we use the process of compounding:


Step 2: 100*(1+f)2=112.32, we can obtain f=0.0598

 We can say that the price increases in the last two years are equivalent to an average annual percentage rate of 5.98% per year. Note that the average is a geometric average over a several year period. Our computations are simplified by using a single average rate such as this, rather than a different rate for each years cash flows.

