《摩登家庭》第一季 第二十一集 -2

2024-03-30 20:45:5812:15 73
85.I think we got an extra couple of seconds. 好像還多余幾秒呢
86.I will never get tired of this.真想這么抱你一整天
87.Me neither.我也是
88.You know what would be cool, Mum?老媽知道怎么樣才最酷嗎
89.Something wrong there, Cam?哪里不對(duì)勁嗎 小卡
90.Well, I'm just breaking in a new pair of hiking shoes.新買的登山鞋磨得我腳生疼啊
91.This always happens. 一向如此
92.I wasn't doubtin' ya.我相信你
93.Does somebody get a little motion sickness?這兒誰(shuí)會(huì)暈機(jī)嗎
94.I throw up all the time.我能從頭吐到尾
95.Oh, well, then Dramamine's the way to go.那你得趕緊吃點(diǎn)暈海寧
96.What the hell are you doing?你這是想干什么啊
97.Oh, I'm just trying to keep her awake現(xiàn)在不能讓她睡著
98.so she'll sleep on the plane.這樣上了飛機(jī)她就能睡著了
99.Nobody likes a crying baby on a flight.沒(méi)人會(huì)喜歡乘飛機(jī)碰上個(gè)大哭的嬰兒
100.It was hell.備受煎熬
101.I don't recall-我怎么不記得...
102.Oh, I get it. You're talking about me.我知道了 你指的是我
103.That's very funny.真好笑哦
104.Is this the best way to go? What about the freeway?這是最快的路線嗎 怎么不上高速
105.It's all about knowing the route.關(guān)鍵在于要熟悉路線
106.Phil, where the hell are you?菲爾 你死哪去了
107.I just missed my turn.轉(zhuǎn)彎口我給錯(cuò)過(guò)了
108.You're supposed to be here with me.你這會(huì)兒理應(yīng)呆在這陪著我
109.I get more and more freaked out.我變得越抓狂
110.I was counting on you to be here, so thanks a lot.我本來(lái)還指望你能陪陪我 真是謝謝你了
111.She's pretty tightly wound.她緊張得要瘋了
112.Some people are just built that way.有些人就是天性使然
113.Honestly, could you drive any slower?你敢開(kāi)得再慢一點(diǎn)嗎
114.Isn't that great?是不是很棒啊
115.Ay, papi, don't say that.寶貝 別說(shuō)胡話
116.Not yet, sweetie. Not yet.待會(huì)兒睡 寶貝 待會(huì)兒睡
117.He's perfect.真是完美無(wú)缺
118.He's so mature.真是成熟
119.Dylan's no that guy.迪蘭可比不上他
120.We're leaving in two minutes! Get up!還有兩分鐘就要出發(fā)了 起床
121.I want to stare at you as long as I could.我就尋思著能多看幾眼就多看幾眼
122.Get out of the house and make sure that nobody sees you.趕快出去 千萬(wàn)別讓別人發(fā)現(xiàn)
123.I'II miss you.我會(huì)想你的
124.Stay awake, sweetie. Stay awake.撐住啊 寶貝 別睡著
125.One quick swipe oughta pop it.快速刷一下應(yīng)該就能打開(kāi)
126.All aboard.上去吧
127.Nice and easy.小心一點(diǎn)
128.You're pinching. - I'm sorry.-你夾痛我了 不好意思
129.If you show enough houses, you learn all the tricks.經(jīng)手千萬(wàn)房屋 習(xí)得百般技藝
130.I'm completely clueless.哥來(lái)無(wú)影 去無(wú)蹤
131.You're sure I'm not too heavy?我這么重你還吃得消嗎
132.- I'm going for a ride. - You all right?
133.-緩一會(huì)兒 -你沒(méi)事吧
134.Yup. I'm good. I'm good.沒(méi)事 沒(méi)事
135.How did you ever get a playdate with him?你們是怎么約到他來(lái)家里玩的
136.He's sketching.他在素描哎
137.I bet he goes to art school.我打賭他一定是藝術(shù)院校的
138.Check-in for the 5:30 flight to Boston may board at this time.于5點(diǎn)30分飛波士頓的航班現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始登機(jī)
139.And contact.對(duì)上眼了
140.What a drama queen.真能折騰
141.That sounds fun.聽(tīng)起來(lái)不錯(cuò)啊
142.A fire truck was parking in front of our building.救火車停在我們的樓前面。
143.Your attention, please.請(qǐng)注意
144.Check it out, Grandpa. The Dramamine's working.快看 外公 暈海寧起作用
145.I'm not dizzy.我一點(diǎn)都不暈
146.Yeah. Oh, watch the drink, kid.小心飲料 小鬼
147.- I'm sorry, Grandpa. All right. Relax, relax.-對(duì)不起 外公 -沒(méi)事 別緊張
148.We might be okay here.可能沒(méi)什么大礙
149.It's not fair.上天待我不公
150.- Your son's name is on a no-fly list.你兒子的名字在禁飛名單里
151.We've been through this at the check-in.安檢那會(huì)兒就跟我們核實(shí)過(guò)了
152.- We just have a few questions to ask. - No, this is a mistake.-我們只想核實(shí)幾個(gè)問(wèn)題 -這是個(gè)誤會(huì)
153.- Step this way, ma'am.-這邊請(qǐng) 女士
154.-No pushing.別推我
155.You make it a double? I'm traveling with my family.給我雙份的量吧 我一家老小一起旅行
156.No problem.沒(méi)問(wèn)題
157.Do you think you could get in the fast lane?你能不能擠進(jìn)快車道啊
158.Oh, I'm getting a text. What does it say?我來(lái)了條短信 說(shuō)的什么
159.It's nothing. 沒(méi)啥事
160.- It says your house was broken into. 說(shuō)你家有人闖入
161.It's nothing. They'll take care of it. 沒(méi)啥事 他們會(huì)處理的
162.What happened?到底怎么了
163.Okay, fun airport game.來(lái)玩?zhèn)€有趣的機(jī)場(chǎng)游戲
164.You pick out a traveler, you come up with their entire story.隨便挑一個(gè)旅客 虛構(gòu)他們的整個(gè)人生
165.Oh! Pass.放棄
166.- Too hard. Your turn. -太難了 你來(lái)
167.I see a woman wracked with fear,我看見(jiàn)一個(gè)女人 她驚恐萬(wàn)分
168.I made it perfectly clear to Phil that I needed him here.我跟菲爾說(shuō)的清清楚楚要他在這陪著我
169.Oh. It's going around. Mitchell's mad at me too.我也一樣 米奇爾也在生我的氣
170.I'm sorry to be snippy.我有一點(diǎn)煩躁
171.I'm a little upset with Cam.我一直在生小卡的氣
172.I needed his help this morning, and he let me down.早上打包要他的幫忙 結(jié)果他卻讓我失望了


Modern Family 摩登家庭


















摩登家庭 第三季 原聲完整版






Modern family中的句子,有文字材料(摩登家庭)

