
2018-06-30 13:03:2407:33 213


----so Tony Leung. understand you were the? winner of the Best Actor prize at the? 2000 Khan's film festival, for your role? as choke mole one. could you tell us a? little bit about your experience at the? festival, that year??
----it was really great. I? never expect that, and as an Asian actor,? I was really on, you know, to have a? chance to won international awards. and? it means a lot to me, means a lot to me.? mm-hmm it's. I'm very happy and after all? these years,? as an actor, and finally you've got? recognition from people, from different? countries, and, and really amazed.??
----so you're pleased with the international? recognition, that you've been receiving???
----yeah, especially in the mid full of? exposure. after such a great prize,?
----uh-huh? and what kind of changes have occurred? with this this character, mr. Cho in the? present movie at 2046??
----mmm. it was? actually, it was the continuity of that? character.?
----I see. and has that character? made any significant changes from in the? mood for love, to the present movie to? 0:46.? ----actually although is, it's the same? character, but a the director wants me to? play differently in 2046, like, like? played, like a new character. so to me, is,? it's, it's a little bit difficult, because,? because you revisit a character again,? and try to bring something new, and yeah.? it's difficult,?
----so it was challenging, and? it wasn't just the fact that the? character had a moustache this time. but??
----the reason why I haven't missed mustache,? is I said I need a moustache on the? first day.?
----oh. really,??
----yeah. I think I... I need something to make? myself believe? I'm some other person. I have to work? on something,?
----and would you say that with? the mustache that there's been mentioned,? that you resemble a young Clark Gable. would you say that the character Cho is? somewhat like Clark Gable??
----I don't think this. I don't think, I don't think, I think? you can associate anything with Clark? Gable, but just only to look and that's? what some people reminds, reminds of them? after they saw my, you know, picture with? a moustache. and there it reminds them of? Clark Gable, but there's nothing about? cable.?

----would you say that the? character Cheol seems to be somewhat, of? a womanizer in the present role??
----I, I? think she is a woman predator, a cynical? Playboy. yeah, more then, yeah. yeah.?

----you know, and you? won a Best Actor Award.correct? for this? role,?
----uh-huh, in Hongkong.
---- you've won several of these Best Actor? Awards,?
----three, three in Hong? Kong.?
----in Hong? Kong. and prior to that Best Supporting? Actor in Hong Kong as well. how do you? feel about your collaboration with? director Wang??
----we get on quite well, we... I? I am really interested in working with? him. that's why we've been working? together for over 12 years. and this is? our sixth film. I think he's very? talented, and he's very stylish, and his? way of making movie is very unique, very? different from others, and not only? because of Wong kar-wai but also because? of his entire crew, like William gel. I am,? I admire him very much. he is a very talented people, and? he said our director and also? Christopher Doyle and the rest of the? crew, and we've been working very happy? together. and, yeah, they are... I'm really? lucky that I have a chance to to meet? this... this group of people, to make movies? together. so, oh. and I think we will carry on? our... our next project together, next year.?
----so in closing. would you say? that this movie 2046 was somewhat? multi Asian? sorry to speak, because I? noticed that there's a Japanese actor? Takuya Kimura,? also music by Chiquito. boom ad by a... ...ash, he did the music, also for? in the mood for love. is this a lot to do with the director wang that these people are present? in? what way, that director Wong seems to be? someone who collaborates internationally???
----yeah, and I think this, this will be to? trend to for Asian cinemas. I think the? trend will be pan Asia, and it will be, it? will likely, will be like working with? different talents from, from Asian? countries. for example, hero is a very? good example. we work with costume? designer from Japan, and, and, and? directing some actors in mainland China, and Hong Kong. so I think just, this will? be the trend for an Asian movies,?
----for? the future.?
----yeah, for the future,?
----I'm glad? to hear that... thank you very much.?
----you're welcome.











中共特工秘史:中央特科絕密檔案 | 梁朝偉電影《無名》歷史背景解析






精選 2046電影原聲大碟



天地否 | 最強王者 | 都市 | 逆襲 | 魔幻 | 2046

