You Are a Badass: How to Stop




分享:You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

Amazon Best Sellers of 2019 in Books #16,定格日期:2019年4月14日。

You Are a Badass is technically a self-help book by Jen Sincero can be applied to any aspect of your life, including work, marriage, and volunteering. offering advice for how to see your life through fresh eyes, find your passion, and live the life you want, but it’s so much more than that. She also explains why we get stuck in the ruts we do, grants us a spectacular insight into our relationship with (and fear of) money, and basically kicks all excuses to the curb. If you’re not left inspired to make changes in your life, then you didn’t pay attention to the book and should read it again.

I’m prone to saying, “I don’t have time for this,” but as Sincero points out – we always have more time than we think we have. For example (from the book), someone may say they don’t have time to clean their office, but they have the time to waste a half hour looking for something lost in that office. Therefore, this person had the time, they just chose not to utilize it efficiently.

Here are a few other lines from the book that really resonated with me:

Everyone screws up and you’re not special for doing it.

You don’t have to hit rock bottom to make change. You can just decide.

If you believe it, it is your truth. Your thoughts and beliefs dictate reality, so if you don’t like your reality, change these.

To kick ass you have to lift your foot off the ground

Respect yourself instead of catering to your need to be liked. Never apologize for being you. Own your ugly.

Your friends really do have a major impact on your future, so ditch the Negative Nancy’s.

We pay a lot of lip service to leaps of faith and following your dreams but to actually do it is deemed crazy.

Sometimes it’s better to be happy than right (although I struggle with this one….).

It’s okay to want money – lots of it. Oh, and don’t pretend not to want things because it’s greedy.

The only failure is quitting. Everything else is just gathering information.

Fear lives in the future. It hasn’t happened yet so why create the drama?

Procrastination is the easiest form of self sabotage – you’ll either find a way or an excuse.

Look, whatever you do, don’t let the name shy you away from how powerful this book actually is. Whether you are broke, rich, sad, happy, miserable, or successful, I strongly encourage you to take the time and read this. You will shortly realize that everything you have ever dreamed of is right in front of you. If you believe in yourself, and if you love the person that you are, then there isn’t anything that you can’t accomplish.
