



UNIT 1 A Great Friend(一位偉大的朋友)
UNIT 2 The Joy of Labor(勞動之樂)
UNIT 3 We''re Just Beginning(我們正在起跑點)
UNIT 4 Advice to a Young Man(給年輕人的建議)
UNIT 5 The Happy Door(開啟快樂之門)
UNIT 6 Companionship of Books(以書為伴)
UNIT 7 Friendship(友誼)
UNIT 8 A Key to Happiness(快樂的鑰匙)
UNIT 9 The Love of Beauty(愛美)
UNIT 10 For the Sake of Other Men(為別人而活)
UNIT 11 You Are What You Do(行為決定命運)
UNIT 12 Youth(青春)
UNIT 13 Have Faith in Others(相信別人)
UNIT 14 True Nobility(真正的高貴)
UNIT 15 Life Is Too Short to Be Little(人生苦短休計較)
UNIT 16 We Are on a Journey(人生之旅)
UNIT 17 The Joy of Living(生活的樂趣)
UNIT 18 To the Unknown Teacher(致無名之師)
UNIT 19 Self-control(自制)
UNIT 20 Lincoln''s Gettysburg Address(林肯蓋茨堡演講詞)
UNIT 21 An Excerpt of John F.Kennedy''s Inaugural Address(肯尼迪總統(tǒng)就職演說摘錄)