
2021-01-20 01:58:2110:32 8221

What's the weather like in London? 倫敦的天氣怎么樣?It's rainy. 是下雨天。It's cloudy in Singapore. 新加坡多云。It's windy now. 現(xiàn)在起風(fēng)了。Is it snowing? 下雪了嗎?But it isn't cold. 但是不冷呢。Can I make a snowman? 我能堆雪人嗎?Is it cold in Moscow? 莫斯科冷嗎?Yes, it is. It's snowy here. 是的,很冷。這兒在下雪。It's hot and sunny in Sydney. 悉尼很熱,天氣很晴朗。

A Let's talk 一起說(shuō)一說(shuō)Mum, what time is it? 媽媽,幾點(diǎn)了?It's 11:00. 十一點(diǎn)了。Can I go outside now? 我現(xiàn)在能到外面去嗎?No, you can't. It's cold outside. 不,你不能。外面很冷。Have some lunch, Mike. 麥克,吃些午飯吧。OK. Can I have some soup? 好的。我能喝些湯嗎?Yes, you can. 是的,你可以。

Be careful! It's very hot. 小心!很燙。

Let's learn 一起學(xué)Good morning. 早上好。This is the weather report. 這里是天氣預(yù)報(bào)。It's warm in Beijing today. 北京今天天氣晴朗。

Let's chant 一起唱歌謠Brrr, it's cold. 卟嚕,太冷了。It's cold outside. 外面太冷了。Put on a hat. 戴上帽子。Cold, bye-bye! 寒冷,再見(jiàn)!Mmm! It's warm. 嗯!暖和。It's warm inside. 里面真暖和。Take off your shoes. 脫掉鞋子。It feels so nice. 感覺(jué)真好。

B Let's talk 一起說(shuō)一說(shuō)Hi, Chen Jie! 嗨,陳潔!This is Mark. 我是馬克。Hi, Mark! 嗨,馬克!What's the weather like in New York? 紐約的天氣怎么樣?It's rainy. 下雨了。How about Beijing? 北京怎么樣?

Is it cold? 冷嗎?No, it isn't. 不,不冷。It's 26 degrees. 有26度。26 degrees! That's cold! 26度!那很冷!Huh? No, it's not. 嗯?不,不是的。It's warm! 很暖和!

Let's learn 一起學(xué) Here's the world weather. 這是世界地圖。Today it's hot and sunny in Sydney. 今天悉尼很熱,天氣很晴朗。What's the weather like in Sydney? 悉尼的天氣怎么樣?It's hot and sunny. 很熱,很晴朗

Hi, John! 嗨,約翰!How are you? 你怎么樣?I'm in Sydney now. 我現(xiàn)在在悉尼。It's great! 很棒!It's hot and sunny here. 這里炎熱晴朗。The water is warm. 水很溫暖。I can swim outside. 我可以在外面游泳。Is it cool and windy in Beijing? 北京冷嗎,在刮風(fēng)嗎?Can you fly your kite? 你能放風(fēng)箏嗎?




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