
2021-01-20 03:05:4511:21 1.3萬(wàn)
A: Can I help you? 我能為您做點(diǎn)兒什么嗎?B: Yes. This dress is pretty. 是的。這條連衣裙很漂亮。How much is it? 多少錢(qián)?A: It's eighty-five yuan. 八十五元。C: Can I try it on? 我能試試嗎?A: Sure. 當(dāng)然可以。
A: How much are those big shoes? 那雙大鞋子多少錢(qián)?B: Sorry, they're not for sale. 對(duì)不起,那是非賣(mài)品。
A Let's talk 一起說(shuō)一說(shuō)
A: Can I help you? 我能為您做點(diǎn)兒什么?B: Yes.These shoes are nice. 是的。這雙鞋不錯(cuò)。Can I try them on? 我能試試嗎?Size 6, please. 請(qǐng)給我拿6號(hào)的。A: Of course. 當(dāng)然可以。Here you are. 給你。C: John, are they OK? 約翰,鞋子合適嗎?B: No. They're too small. 不。它們太小了。C: Hmm. OK. Let's try size 7. 嗯~ 好吧。讓我們?cè)囋?號(hào)的吧。B: They're just right! 它們剛剛好。C: Good! 好的。
Let's learn 一起學(xué)A: Can I help you? 我能為你做點(diǎn)兒什么?B: The gloves are nice. 手套不錯(cuò)。Can I try them on? 我能試試嗎?A: Sure. 當(dāng)然可以。gloves 手套sunglasses 太陽(yáng)鏡umbrella 雨傘scarf 圍巾
B Let's talk 一起說(shuō)一說(shuō)
A: Sarah, how do you like this skirt? 薩拉,這條短裙你覺(jué)得怎么樣?B: It's very pretty. 它很漂亮。C: Can I help you? 我能為你做點(diǎn)兒什么?A: Yes. How much is this skirt? 是的。這條短裙多少錢(qián)?C: It's $89. 89美元。
A: Oh, that's expensive! 哦,太貴了!B: I like it, Mum. 我喜歡它,媽媽。A: Sorry, Sarah. It's too expensive. 對(duì)不起,薩拉。它太貴了。
Let's learn 一起學(xué)A: Look at that dress. 看那條連衣裙。It's pretty. 它真漂亮。
B: Yes, it is. 是的,它是。nice 好看的pretty 漂亮的cheap 便宜的expensive 昂貴的
Read and write 讀讀寫(xiě)寫(xiě)Read and answer. 讀短文并回答問(wèn)題
Today all sunglasses and gloves are five yuan! 今天所有的太陽(yáng)鏡和手套一律五元!They are very cheap. 它們都可便宜啦!We have many nice scarves,too- 我們還有很多好看的圍巾,red, yellow, brown and more! 紅的、黃的、棕的,很多顏色。Umbrellas are cheap, too. 雨傘也便宜啦!We have many pretty colours for you. 有很多漂亮的顏色可供選擇。Come and see us today! 今天快來(lái)光顧我們吧!