Information: 檢控書(shū)(輕罪)

2024-09-28 22:53:0801:00 41
In today’s Legal English Study podcast, we’re covering the term “information.”
在今天的法律英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)播客中,我們將討論術(shù)語(yǔ) “information”(檢控書(shū))。

An information is a formal accusation made by a government attorney, stating that the defendant committed a crime, usually a misdemeanor.
Information 是由政府檢察官作出的正式指控,表明被告犯下了一項(xiàng)罪行,通常是輕罪。

Unlike an indictment, which is issued by a grand jury, an information does not involve a grand jury and is typically used for less serious offenses.
與由大陪審團(tuán)發(fā)布的起訴書(shū)不同,information 不涉及大陪審團(tuán),通常用于較輕的罪行。

For example, if a person is charged with petty theft, the prosecutor may file an information to formally accuse the defendant, and the case will proceed to trial without needing a grand jury’s decision.
例如,如果某人被指控輕微盜竊,檢察官可能會(huì)提交一份 information,正式指控被告,案件將進(jìn)入審判程序,而無(wú)需大陪審團(tuán)的決定。

While an indictment is required for more serious crimes (felonies), an information allows the legal process to move forward in cases where the offense is minor but still requires formal charges and a trial.
雖然嚴(yán)重罪行(重罪)需要起訴書(shū),但 information 使得在罪行較輕但仍需正式指控和審判的案件中,法律程序可以繼續(xù)推進(jìn)。

Understanding this distinction is important when navigating legal proceedings.




在中國(guó)的司法體系中,“information” 對(duì)應(yīng)的術(shù)語(yǔ)通常是 “起訴書(shū)”,尤其是針對(duì)輕微刑事案件(類(lèi)似于美國(guó)的輕罪,misdemeanor)。在中國(guó),起訴書(shū) 是由檢察機(jī)關(guān)在刑事案件中向法院提交的,表示正式指控被告涉嫌犯罪的法律文書(shū)。 與美國(guó)不同的是,中國(guó)沒(méi)有大陪審團(tuán)制度,因此所有的刑事案件,不論輕重,都是由檢察機(jī)關(guān)直接向法院提起公訴。對(duì)于較輕的犯罪,檢察機(jī)關(guān)依然可以根據(jù)調(diào)查的證據(jù)提交起訴書(shū),以啟動(dòng)法律程序,無(wú)需通過(guò)其他機(jī)構(gòu)審查或批準(zhǔn)。