
2024-09-29 21:00:1209:10 2.7萬(wàn)


 歌曲:fuzzy wuzzy

今天我們要談的是:哪些話醍醐灌頂,永久改變了你對(duì)生活、對(duì)事物的看法?We both have some quotes (名言) that really impacted (影響) our lives and perspectives (觀點(diǎn)).

01. “You might be the sweetest peach on the tree, but some people just don't like peaches.”

“你可能是樹上最甜的桃子,但是有些人就是不喜歡桃子?!?nbsp;It is a very sweet quote that is also very deep. It reminds Flora of a story:

有一個(gè)人很喜歡吃橘子,但是他的父親不喜歡。No matter how much he tried to tell his father about the benefits of oranges: rich in vitamin C (富含維生素C), or to buy the best variety of oranges (買最好品種的橘子), he just didn't like them. 最后他父親說了一句話:“再好的橘子我也不喜歡吃,我根本就不喜歡橘子的味道?!?/p>

It doesn’t matter if it is the best orange. He wasn’t going to like it. 被每個(gè)人喜歡當(dāng)然是大家都希望發(fā)生的。But it's impossible. You may be the sweetest peach or orange, but some people just don't like it, and it's not your fault.

It is impossible to make everyone happy all the time. Some people, you will just never win over to your side (你永遠(yuǎn)也無(wú)法把他們爭(zhēng)取到你這邊來(lái))!

The quote actually helped Flora get over (克服) her desire to be liked by everyone. She realized she can’t please everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. Instead, she started focusing on becoming someone she herself actually likes. 不要成為別人眼中的你,要成為你眼中的自己。

02. “You cannot control the way someone else reacts.”

“別人的反應(yīng)并不是你能控制的?!?nbsp;You can only control yourself and how you react to something, not other people.

Don't expect people to always react the way you want them to (不要期待別人總是按照你所希望的那樣做出反應(yīng)). If someone reacts poorly, that is out of your control (那是你無(wú)法控制的). But you can reflect and see if you can communicate better next time.

Maybe the only thing we can control in this world is ourselves. 雖然我們不能控制別人的reaction(反應(yīng)),但是我們可以反思一下下次有沒有更好的交流方式。That's what we can and really should do, rather than blaming ourselves.

This is good in any situation and is helpful in friendships, relationships, with your family or in the workplace.

03. “Courage doesn't always roar.”

“勇氣并不總是轟轟烈烈的?!?nbsp;Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "l will try again tomorrow." Getting back up is the most courageous thing you can do (重新站起來(lái)是你能做的最勇敢的事情).

很多時(shí)候我們會(huì)覺得像電影中的主人公與死神交手的瞬間才算是有“courage(勇氣)”,但殊不知生活中大多數(shù)的courage都是無(wú)聲且沉默的,也許那只是一天結(jié)束后的暗下決心:“明天再試一次。” 其實(shí)內(nèi)心經(jīng)歷了波濤洶涌之后,你早已成為了生活的勇士。

04. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.


We think that what matters is what we do for people the success we achieve (我們?nèi)〉玫某晒? and the status we have (擁有的地位). But often it is more about how we relate to and treat other people (我們?nèi)绾闻c他人相處和對(duì)待他人).

Flora thought the only way she can get people to remember her and want to be friends with her is to make some contribution or achievement (做出一些貢獻(xiàn)或成就). But at the end of the day she figured out what really attracts them is our character, the way we treat people (待人的方式).

This is especially true when working with kids. Often kids do not remember their teachers or activities they did, but they do remember how they felt at school.

因?yàn)镕lora和Selah平時(shí)工作都會(huì)和一些孩子相處,所以她們有相似的感受。So if you're a teacher or a parent or anyone who has to spend time with kids on a regular basis (需要經(jīng)常與孩子們相處的人), the way you treat them really matters to them.

05. “You can't blame a blind person for being blind… you just don’t let them drive your car.”


It points out that we need to be wise on how to protect ourselves and not just trust anyone to do anything for us. 有時(shí)候一些人造成一些事情并不是他們的本意,也許他們就是沒有辦法理解這些,但是這并不妨礙你采取措施保護(hù)自己。

You can be kind to everyone, that is your choice. But at the same time, protect yourself.

06. “When we hit our lowest points is when we are open to the greatest change.”


Flora would have a strange curiosity when she is at that point in her life: let's see if it can get any worse (這個(gè)情況還會(huì)更糟嗎)? 可能因?yàn)槟莻€(gè)時(shí)候已經(jīng)沒有那么多包袱了。有時(shí)候擁有的越多越怕失去。但是當(dāng)你本身就赤手空拳的時(shí)候反而更愿意接受一些改變,承擔(dān)一些風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

When Selah looks back on her life, she has grown the most (成長(zhǎng)得最多) or made the most positive changes when life was hard (生活艱難的時(shí)候). 這個(gè)低谷會(huì)讓你pause(暫停)并reevaluate(重新評(píng)估)一下現(xiàn)在的生活。So, take this opportunity to make some positive changes!

There we have it—six powerful quotes. Each of these quotes invites us to reflect on how we see ourselves (思考我們?nèi)绾慰创约? and how we connect with others (如何與他人溝通).

We’d love to hear from you. 哪些話醍醐灌頂,改變了你對(duì)生活的看法?哪些話最能引起你的共鳴呢?Share the quotes and your thoughts in the comments below! Remember, your insights might just inspire someone else (你的見解可能會(huì)激勵(lì)別人), so don't hesitate to share!




