小王子 Little Prince-12– The Fox

2018-06-20 06:15:3205:34 4.6萬


準確字幕——超級詞力 精聽記錄,傾情奉獻!

Having walked a long time through sandsearching for people, the little prince finally discovered a road. The road ledto a blosoming rose garden. The little prince gazed at them. All of them lookedlike his flower. He felt very unhappy. His flower had told him she was the onlyone of the kind in the whole universe. And here were five thousand of them, alljust like, and just one garden! She would be very annoyed if she saw this.

"She saw this, she would coughterribly and pretend to be dying, to avoid being laughed at. And I have topretend to be nursing her, otherwise she would really let herself die in orderto humiliated me. I thought I was rich because I had one flower. And all Iowned is an ordinary rose. "

Standing among the five thousand roses,the little prince suddenly felt very lonely. He climbed a high mountain, hopinghe would get a view of the whole planet and all the people on it. But he sawnothing, but rocky peaks, sharp as needles.

"Where are you?"

"Where are you — where areyou..."

"Let's be friends."

"Let's be friends — let's befriends..."

"I'm lonely. "

"I'm lonely — I'm lonely..."

And he lay down on the grass, andwept.

It was then that a fox appeared.

"Good morning. "

"Good morning, how are you? Youare very pretty. "

"I'm a fox."

"Come and play with me. Iam feeling so sad. "

"I can't play with you, I am nottamed."

"Ah, Excuse me, what is it'tamed' mean?"

"You are not from around here.What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for people. Whatdoes that 'tamed' mean?"

"People have guns, and they hunt.It's quite trouble so. And they raise chickens. Seem only interesting thingabout them. Are you looking for chickens?"

"No, I'm looking for friends. Whatdoes 'tamed' mean?"

"Itis something of being too often neglected, it means to create ties."

"To create ties?"

"That's right. For me you are aonly little boy just like hundred thousand other little boys, and I have noneed of you, and you have no need of me either. For you I'm only a fox likehundred thousand other foxes, but, if you tamed me, we need each other, you'llbe the only boy on the world for me. I'll be the only fox in the world foryou. "

"I'm beginning to understand.There a flower, I think she has tamed me."

"Possibly, on the Earth one seesall kind of things."

"Oh, this is not on theEarth."

"On another planet?"


"Are there hunters on thatplanet?"


"Hum... That's interesting."

"And chickens?"


"Oh... Nothing is perfect. Mylife is very monotonous, I hunt chickens; people hunt me. All the chickens justare alike, and all men just alike. But if you tame me, my life will be filled with the sunshine. I will know the sound of foot steps will bedifferent from all the rests. Other foot steps send me back underneath theground. Yours will call me out of my burrow like music. Please tame me."

"I’d like to. But I haven't muchtime. I have friends to find and so many things to learn. "

"Theonly thing that you learn of, that you tame me."

"Well, what do I have todo?"

"You have to be very patient.First you will sit down at a little way from me over there — in the grass. Butday by day, you'll be able to sit a little closer. "

That was how the little prince tamedthe fox. And when the time to leave was near.

"Ah... I shall weep."

"It's your own fault, I neverwant to do you any harm, But you insisted that I tame you. "

"I'll make you the gift of asecret. It quite simple — once it is clearly only with heart, anythingessential is invisible to the eyes."

"Anything essential is invisibleto the eye."

"It's the time you have spent onyour rose that makes your rose so important. People have forgotten this truth,but you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you havetamed."

"I am responsible for myrose."









You have responsible.


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星の王子様 《小王子》










