NO.37 Every opportunity to be our best self我們每個(gè)人都有計(jì)劃成為最優(yōu)秀的自己

2018-11-10 18:04:0002:42 2000

There are a lot of people who are biting their fingers世上有許多人,他們會(huì)焦慮地啃著手指
in fear that they might lose their jobs擔(dān)心自己會(huì)丟掉工作
But there are few people who have decided within themselves但只有少數(shù)人他們會(huì)在心里暗下決心
I’m going to make it我會(huì)去的成功
Some people aren’t waiting to be cut有些人等待著被淘汰
Some people are moving on their own而其他人卻獨(dú)自前行
Because they feel within themselves因?yàn)樗麄冊(cè)谛睦锇迪聸Q心
“I’ve got what it takes to make it”無(wú)論付出什么代價(jià)我都要去的成功
They’re not afraid about tomorrow 他們不畏懼明天的到來(lái)
because of how they see themselves因?yàn)樗麄兪沁@樣看待自己的
because of what they feel that they deserve因?yàn)樗麄冇X(jué)得自己配得上這樣的成功
because of what they feel that they can create for themselves因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為自己能夠?yàn)樽约簞?chuàng)造成功
because these people have decided因?yàn)檫@些早已下定決心
as they look at the future, as they look at themselves當(dāng)他們展望未來(lái),凝視自己
“there’s a way”總有辦法的
“where there’s a will, there’s a way for me”只要有決心就能找到辦法
“to be able to create a way out of no way”才能從無(wú)計(jì)可施之中找到辦法
And when you have that kind of consciousness當(dāng)你擁有這樣的覺(jué)悟
when you have that kind of spirit當(dāng)你擁有這樣的精神
nothing can stop you沒(méi)有什么能阻擋你前進(jìn)
What does the $500,000 a year person do有什么事情是年薪50萬(wàn)的人做
the $50,000 a year person doesn’t do?而年薪5萬(wàn)的人不會(huì)去做的呢?
He pays the price and a little bit more他付出的代價(jià)會(huì)多一點(diǎn)
He works hard and a little bit more他付出的努力會(huì)多一點(diǎn)
He bleeds and a little bit more他流的血會(huì)多一點(diǎn)
He makes money and a little bit more他賺的錢會(huì)多一點(diǎn)
He saves money and a little bit more他存的錢會(huì)多一點(diǎn)
If you want to win in business如果你想要在生意場(chǎng)上獲得勝利
you gotta be tough那你得咬牙堅(jiān)持
and you can’t quit并且不能放棄
Somebody’s gonna win 總有人會(huì)取得勝利
you or him不是你就是他
And the person that wins is gonna want it the most而那個(gè)取得勝利的人是最渴望勝利的人
This business is nothing but an attitude business這件事不過(guò)是做事的態(tài)度罷了
It’s your attitude about you這是你對(duì)自己的態(tài)度
it’s your attitude about life這是你對(duì)生活的態(tài)度
If you go out there this week 如果你這周突然到達(dá)這樣的境界
and you just think you’re supposed to be somebody你只是覺(jué)得自己改成為了不起的人
and you’re gonna do something big ,and you go out there你要做些大事,然后你走出自己的小天地and you work hard你努力奮斗
and you prepare well, and you get up mentally你做了充足的準(zhǔn)備,精神上為之振奮
and you go out there ,and you leave it all on the field然后你走出你的小天地,在競(jìng)技場(chǎng)上全力以赴
and you just have a feeling that “ Dadgummit, this is our time”“你有這樣的預(yù)感“這是屬于我們的時(shí)代”
“we’re gonna do it ““我們會(huì)做到的”
You got a chance to win你擁有一次機(jī)會(huì)取得勝利
Life gives you what you’ll fight for 生活給予你為此奮斗的東西
Life don’t give you what you want生活并沒(méi)有給予你想要的東西
Life don’t give you what you’d love to have生活沒(méi)有給予你熱衷的東西
Everybody would love to be successful, right?每個(gè)人都想取得成功,對(duì)吧?
everybody wants success每個(gè)人都想取得成功
they want financial independence他們想要經(jīng)濟(jì)獨(dú)立
Life give you what you will excel生活給予你會(huì)擅長(zhǎng)的技能
If you wanna win, you’ve gotta show up and demand for yourself如果你想贏,你得付出行動(dòng),嚴(yán)格要求自己
success and fulfillment and happiness成功和滿足感已經(jīng)快樂(lè)
I believe desire and determination is everything我認(rèn)為“欲望”和“決心”是至關(guān)重要的
It ain’t talent它與天賦無(wú)關(guān)
It ain’t brains它與大腦無(wú)關(guān)
It ain’t education它與受教育程度無(wú)關(guān)
It’s desire and determination重要的是欲望和決心
You’ve got to have a will to win 你得擁有決心要贏的意志
You’ve got to have a hunger to be somebody你得擁有決心要成為大人物的欲望
This is your life這是你自己的人生
This is your legacy, this is who you are這是你的遺產(chǎn),這是你真正的模樣
You’re writing your history right now你此刻正書寫屬于你的歷史
We gotta get to work man老兄,我們得付諸行動(dòng)
We gotta get to work我們得實(shí)打?qū)嵏?br />Because we live in a day and a time where we have 因?yàn)槲覀兲幱谶@樣的一個(gè)時(shí)代
Every opportunity to be our best self我們每個(gè)人都有計(jì)劃成為最優(yōu)秀的自己





If Ever



Tokyo Ever After (Tokyo Ever After #1)

