NO.38 Why are your grades average為什么你的成績(jī)永遠(yuǎn)只是平庸無奇?

2018-11-11 13:49:4104:40 2658

Why are your grades average?為什么你的成績(jī)永遠(yuǎn)只是平庸無奇?
Why are there people in your class為什么你班上的人
Friends, acquaintances朋友、陌生人
They’re getting better grades than you?他們個(gè)個(gè)成績(jī)都比你好?
What are they doing that you’re not?他們做了些什么你沒有做到的?
Are they studying more than you?是他們學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)間比你多嗎?
Are they getting more sleep than you?是他們睡覺時(shí)間比你多嗎?
Are they working smarter than you ?是他們的學(xué)習(xí)方法你聰明嗎?
Are they attending class more than you ?是他們上課比你多嗎?
Stop feeling sorry for yourself不要總是在自責(zé)
You got a problem with your grades?你的成績(jī)出現(xiàn)問題了嗎?
With your studies? Do something about it你的學(xué)習(xí)有問題嗎?以致去改變
Life goes by so quick人生苦短
Don’t waste these years不要浪費(fèi)光陰
Make the most of them要好好把握人生,充分利用它
No wasting time, No procrastinating切莫蹉跎歲月,拖延浪費(fèi)
No watching TV no partying no nexfilx不要浪費(fèi)在看電視,去轟趴看Netfilx
The earlier you decide你越遭做決定
You’re going to give it everything you’ve got就越早可以實(shí)現(xiàn)你想要的一切
The better life you’re gonna have你就可以擁有一個(gè)更好的生活
Healthier, wealthier, happier, smarter, better更健康、更富裕、更開心、更聰明、更美好
Those grade A students那些成績(jī)A的學(xué)生
The ones with the 4.0 GPA 那些獲得GPA4.0的學(xué)生
We all know them the ones who can walk into an exam我們都知道他們是走入考場(chǎng)
And walk out still smiling之后笑著從里面出來的人
You just see the end result你只是看到了結(jié)果
You just see the outcome你只看到了結(jié)局
You don’t see the hours and hours sitting at home alone你卻不知道他們?cè)诩依铼?dú)自花費(fèi)多少時(shí)間
until late at night with just A desk lamp on熬夜學(xué)習(xí),燈火通夜
you don’t see the parties they didn’t attend你沒有看到他們沒有去的聚會(huì)
or the TV they didn’t watch或者他們沒有看的電視
or the Netflix subscription they never bought或者他們沒有訂閱的Netflix頻道
It’s behind the scenes where the grind and hustle takes place是這結(jié)局背后的漢水與辛勞促使這成功的誕生
You need consistency, hard work你需要持之以恒、竭盡全力
Is just not enough you might grind on Monday你就周一努力是遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠的
And grind on Tuesday and grind on Wednesday還有周二周三
Then you might have Thursday and Friday off然后你可能就選擇周四周五休息
Then you do a little bit here on Saturday然后周六的時(shí)候做一點(diǎn)
And a little bit there on Sunday周日的時(shí)候做一點(diǎn)
You see someone else will be grinding from Monday right through Sunday and they’re gonna catch you你看到別人是從周一堅(jiān)持到周日,然后他們就追上你了
And they’re gonna pass you然后超越你
The truth is , you have the ability, you have the willpower事實(shí)是你有這個(gè)能力,也有這個(gè)毅力
You have the knowledge and the discipline and the support to climb to the top of the class ,so why aren’t you?你有這份知識(shí)、自律和自我激勵(lì)可以名列前茅,那為什么你現(xiàn)在沒有呢?
Everything good in life begins with a challenge人生中任何一件美好的事物都在風(fēng)雨之后

everything worth achieving is at the end of an up hill battle it’s not gonna just happen to you 每一樣有價(jià)值的成就都出現(xiàn)在最后,在那座山的后面它就不會(huì)輕易出來
You gotta make it happen你必須要提供他出現(xiàn)的條件
So there are people your class getting better grades than you?因此,你班上的同學(xué)都比你成績(jī)好嗎?
Observe them 觀察他們
Learn from them學(xué)習(xí)他們
Study them ! this is your time 模仿他們,這是你的時(shí)代
This is your moment這是你的時(shí)刻
It’s your dream這是你的夢(mèng)想
No one else is gonna make it happen沒有人可以幫你實(shí)現(xiàn)
Only you, you’re in control 除了你自己,你是命運(yùn)的主宰者
Some days, of cause you’ll get tired有一天你可定會(huì)覺得累
You’ll get knocked down, you’ll wanna throw in the towel你會(huì)感到停滯不前,你會(huì)想放棄
But you don’t get this far但是這個(gè)過程不會(huì)太久
You don’t get to where you are right now你不會(huì)一直都停留在今日
And just stop不再前行
Any path you take to get where you want to be 你現(xiàn)在的每一條路都在引領(lǐng)自己變成心目中的人
If that place is worthwhile it’s gonna be hard 如果有個(gè)地方值得去的話那么通往那個(gè)地方的道路會(huì)是很難的
Struggle, stress, frustration掙扎、焦慮、失望
Those are signs you’re on the right path那些表明你的方向是正確的
You have where you are now and where you want to be 你知道自己目前的情況,也知道你未來的方向
And there’s only one road that will take you there只有一條路能夠帶你去到你想要去的地方
And that’s good old fashioned hard word 那就是最古老的方式,竭盡全力去拼搏
Work hard, work smart全身心投入,用科學(xué)的方法
Be consistent, seven days a week堅(jiān)持不懈,一周7天不停止
No excuses, no procrastination, you have it within you不給自己找借口,杜絕拖延,心理默默提示著自己
You just have to find it 你一定要去到那個(gè)地方
And when you get to the end 當(dāng)你到達(dá)終點(diǎn)的時(shí)候
When you feel like giving up你可能覺得快要放棄了
And closing your books and going to bed合上書想去睡覺
You can do one of two things 你可以在以下兩件事選擇一件
That will determine who you’re going to be這會(huì)決定你將來成為什么樣的人
You can do A give up你可以拿個(gè)A,然后放棄
Or B when you’ve had enough you start to take productive action或者拿個(gè)B當(dāng)你有足夠的積累時(shí)你就開始做實(shí)質(zhì)性的行為
And the way you need to go we all have a choice而你需要做的事情就是我們都有的一個(gè)選擇
And that choice defines who we’re going to be而這個(gè)選擇決定著你未來的方向
Someone who regrets their whole life是一個(gè)終其一生都活在懊悔的人
Or ,we’re going to be the champions還是一個(gè)人生贏家
And people who set standards and become role models成為那個(gè)制定規(guī)矩,做好榜樣的
It’s what we do when we feel like giving up這就是我們想要放棄的時(shí)候可以做的事
It’s A give up or B do the damn work!拿到A放棄,還是拿到B盡力拼搏








勃拉姆斯 E小調(diào)第一號(hào)大提琴奏鳴曲 Op.38



華人古典吉他沙龍-精選音樂教學(xué)曲譜配套資料 Vol.38






3.No, No, No!

