雅思口語(yǔ)考官范文-A situation changed

2019-10-12 07:20:0002:08 2210

Describe a situation when you planned something and it later got changed.

You should say:

?When it was

?What initial plan you had

And how the situation changed

This summer, when we were on holiday in Shenzhen, it was my younger sister's birthday and my father proposed that we should have a trip to celebrate her special day and to enjoy some time together as a family. It was a great idea and we all agreed. The plan was for us all to go to a local beach where we could play, swim and have a picnic. 

The next morning was a glorious sunny day with a clear blue sky and the weather app on my phone promised there was no possibility of rain and the temperature would remain the same as it had all week. But, by the time we reached the beach, our luck had run out. Before we had even started to enjoy ourselves, we were hit by a ferocious thunderstorm and torrents of rain. Within seconds we were all soaked to the skin. The weather conditions forced us to abandon our ideas of sitting relaxing on the beach and to come up with a new plan. Because, after all, it was my sister’s birthday and we had to do something special.

My dad racked his brain and soon came up with a new proposal. We would go to a big mall, have a meal in Pizza Hut, so we could dry off a little, and then go to the cinema to watch the new summer blockbuster movie they were showing.  My little sister jumped for joy at this. She loves pizza and is such a movie buff because she watches them all the time. 

We had pizza and then spent the afternoon in the movies eating popcorn, sweets, ice cream and swilling down cola until we were stuffed and feeling slightly sick. When we left the cinema later that evening, the rain had stopped so we went back to the beach to walk along the promenade. Many people were out and about now and the heavy downpour had left everything sparklingly clean.  We rounded the evening off with more food; we ate yummy hamburgers while we watched the sun set into the ocean.

Although our initial plan was ruined due to a sudden weather change, my little sister told us this was the best birthday she could ever remember. So, all’s well that ends well. 

2 minutes and 8 seconds


Luck had run out [idiom]: for one’s good luck to stop; for one’s good fortune to come to an end. I hate to have my luck run out just when I need it.

Torrent [noun]: a heavy downpour; a deluge

Soaked to the Skin [idiom]: extremely or completely wet, especially through one's clothing. I can't believe you pushed me into the pool! Now I have to walk home soaked to the skin!

Come up / come up with something [phrasal verb]: to think of something such as an idea or a plan. Is that the best you can come up with?

Rack (one’s) brain [idiom]: to struggle to recall or think of something. I've been racking my brain, but I still can't remember what Lydia's husband's name is.

Dry off [phrasal verb]: dry yourself off: He got out of the shower and dried himself off.

Jump for joy [idiom]: to be exuberant or very happy about something.  I'm going to jump for joy when I see my boyfriend at the airport.

Film/Movie buff [noun]: when someone is addicted to movies and actively goes to the cinema or watches films on a regular basis. oh man, i love them, I’m such a movie buff.

Swill(ing) down [idiom]: to drink something in fast, large gulps. Let me just swill this down and I'll be ready to go.

Out and about [idiom]: doing things outside the house. It's nice to be out and about after being bedridden for so long.

Rounded off [phrasal verb]: to end something in a satisfactory way; to round something off with something: They rounded off their six-game series with a stunning victory yesterday.

All’s well that ends well [phrase]: used for saying that a situation that did not start in a good way has ended in a way that is satisfactory or pleasing. It was a difficult time, but all’s well that ends well.


























