
2019-10-21 14:50:0302:14 215



17 Describe an experiencethatwhenyou enjoyed an indoor game

You should say:

What the indoor game was

Who you played it with

Where you played it

And how you felt about it


This isLet me tell you a ratherhilarious(好笑的) story that happened recently. One of my flatmates bought a‘Twister(扭扭樂)’ a few days ago, cuzbecause, I don’t know, it was on discount or something, and she found it quite funny. As ity – well, turns out, she was’s right.

The rules goes like this: When a player turnspinsthe spinner and it stopsped atona certain section of the board, where you can read a colour and one of yourlimbs(四肢), you’d have to accordinglyput your, say, left hand on a red spot on the game mat accordingly. Then the next player makes his or hertheir move, and no one is allowed to touch the ground with their elbows or knees or they are out. There are only twenty four spots in four colours on the mat, so the game becomesdramaticallyincreasingly(明顯地,劇烈地) challenging after a fewrounds(回合).

Then there came this Saturday, when we only had a morning lecture to attend to, which meant after that, the game was on in our dorm! As I’ve mentioned, the first round was not difficult at all as, four of us each just eachput a hand or foot on the mat. T, then, when it came to the third round or so, everyone’s posture began to turn really ‘twisted(扭曲的)’, literally. We felt like we were amateuracrobats(雜技演員). So we started another game and put a camera in position, to record our positionsts and faces. When we looked at the picturevideolater, no one could stop laughing, and my friendLucy even had a headache cuzbecauseshe waslaughinged toosohard. OhItthatwas really great fun!

