
2019-10-22 13:52:1801:58 204



19 Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake 

You should say:

When it happened

Why you were sleepy

Why you had to stay awake

And how you stayed awake


During the summer holiday, I went travelling with my friend. It went well at first, but one day, we missed our train by accident, s. So we decided to spend all night at a convenience store near the station,waiting for a very early train. We were both exhausted andcraved some shuteye (渴望睡覺(jué)), b. But, because we were in the store and wehad phones and cashvaluables with us, we had to stay awake. So, I told my friend that maybe we should chat to keep us awake. And we did. To be honest, I am really glad thatwe haddid soto stay awake all night at that timeas it gave us a chance to really catching up with each other. Although we hadspent a lot of time together on the trip, most of time we werejust focused on our smart phones. Wegive kudosliked(點(diǎn)贊) andleft comments oneachothers’ posts (評(píng)論朋友圈), but hadn’tno morereally conversedation. We communicated through social media, not face to face, and it’s just not the same.. That night, we talked a lot about our studies, our future and so onall sorts of topics, and we felt like we got to know each other better, and!iIndeed,maintaining close friendships(維系友情)requires face-to-face contact. ThatItwas a great experience and I think we all need a chance to knowto remember that we should not be soaddicted to our phones in the online world and neglect our family and friends in thereal world.

