Learning to Swim 第一次學(xué)游泳(上)| 原版英語(yǔ)童話故事

2022-12-12 18:00:1212:24 59

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Well, hello everyone. I hope you are all well. And I didn't see you last week because we had a week break between our books. And we're going to start some new stories.


Somany children haveread the Oxford Reading Tree. There are set of books which go from a very early age, right the way through to when you are quite a bit older. Some of them are really complicated books.


And lots of you have read these stories, so you will know about Biff, Chip and Kipper. And some of the really early books are very very simple. And I didn't want to do those.


But what they do do are a series of books which are really for adults to read to children, but for children that are quite good readers can read them themselves.


So I was brought up when I was a teacher at a school, when I taught younger children, we did lots of the Oxford Reading Tree. And they're really nice stories. And the reason that they're really nice stories is that they help you to learn to read, and learn new words, but they're also quite nice little stories in themselves.


Now I'm going to share the screen. And this one is called Learning to Swim. Now, I really hope that you have learned to swim, or for some of you are learning to swim. It's a really important skill to learn. And there's two reasons why.


First of all, swimming is great fun. It's a really good sport to keep you really fit and healthy. That's always really important, isn't it? Any sport that we do is really important.


But the main reason why learning to swim is important is also for your safety. Because depending where you live, you might at some time find yourself in water. And water, as you will know, is something that we need to drink.


But water can also be quite dangerous when we have places like swimming pools and lakes and ponds and streams. If we ever find ourselves in water, we fall into the water, learning to swim can actually save your life.


And where I live in England, I live by the seaside. The sea is about...I have to get in my car, but it's probably about 10 minutes from my house. There's a very big city called Brighton, which isn't very far from me and has the seaside, but I actually have somewhere a little bit closer.


And for my own children, they're grown up now, but when they were little, when we took them to the seaside, it was really important that they could swim. So they could go into the sea and really enjoy it without it being dangerous.


Now, the sea is always a dangerous place. If you swim out too far you can get into trouble. But when you're just playing in by the beach, it's really important that you can swim in the sea. Otherwise, it could be really dangerous.


So actually, learning to swim saves lives as well. So it's a very important thing to do.


And this story is called Learning to Swim.



「The family went to the swimming pool. Kipper was going to have his first swimming lesson.


His friend Anna was going to the lesson too. Kipper was glad that she would be there. He was feeling a bit scared.


So here we have the pictureof the swimming pool. And you can see somebody, look, can you see their feet? They're sticking out of the water. I think they're being a bit silly in the swimming pool. It's quite good fun to do that. I wonder whether you have ever done that. It's we call it doing a handstand.


So the family were going to the swimming pool. Kipper was going to have his first swimming lesson. His friend Anna was going to the lesson too. Remember, that means as well”.


Kipper was glad that she would be there. He was feeling a bit scared. Why do you think he might be feeling a little bit scared? Hmm...it's a difficult question, isn't it?


It might, probably, a better word to probably say, was that he would be feeling a little bit nervous. Feeling a little bit “nervousrather than saying scared”. And you sometimes might feel a little bit nervous if you were doing something which was a little bit new. And as I said at the beginning, sometimes swimming can be a little bit dangerous. So we have to be very careful.


「Dad took Kipper and Chip to get changed. They had a shower.


Biff and Chip were going to have a swimming lesson too.


 “We're learning to swimon our backs,” said Biff.


Now, I wonder if you can work out why you should have a shower before you get into the swimming pool. Yes, that's right, I'm sure you will guess it. It's really important that we wash off any dirt on our body before we actually get into the pool, otherwise, it might not be very nice for all of the other people.


And what a Biff and Chip doing in this story? Well, they've got their own swimming lesson, and they're learning how to swim on their backs. So sometimes we swim on our front, we do something called front crawl or breaststroke, but sometimes we learn to swim on our backs.


I got to tell you a bit of a secret: I'm not very good at swimming on my back. I like swimming on my front. I don't really like swimming on my back very much. I'm not very good at it.


But it isone of those funny things with swimming, is that often in sport, we often think that “Oh, adults would be really good at it.” but actually swimming is one of those things that sometimes children are even better swimming than adults.


And unless people learn to swim often when they're quite young, that it’s quite hard to learn to swim when you're a lot older. So I always say to children, “Learn to swim when you're young, it's much easier.”


It's a bit like riding a bicycle. When we're old and we have to learn to ride a bicycle, it's really difficult. When we're younger, it's a little bit easier. And swimming is one of those skills that the earlier we can do it, it's often the better. So they're having a lesson onto learn to swim on their backs.


「Kipper's swimming teacher was called Jan. She showed the children how to get into the pool safely. 」


「Then she asked the children to stand in a circle. They held hands and jumped up and down.」


“This is fun,” said Anna.


So here they are...Kippers getting into the water very carefully, and it says to get into the pool safely”. So often I bet you some of you do this: we just jump into the water.


But actually, that can be quite dangerous because sometimes we don't know whether we are in the shallow end where we can stand up, or sometimes in the deep end. And even when we can swim well, sometimes jumping into the deep end, we suddenly go, “Oh, I didn't realize!” So there is a safe way to get into the pool.


And why do you think the children are getting in a circle and jumping up and down? I think the reason is probably to get used to the water. But if you look at Kipper's face, he does look maybe a little bit nervous, a little bit scared.


「“Let's see who can get their chins wet,”」


Here's your chin, it's here.


...said Jan. Who can blow bubbles?” she asked.


Anna put her face in the water and blew bubbles.


Kipper didn't want to. He didn't like getting his face wet.


Now, that may seem like a quite a strange thing. But actually, lots of children don't like getting their faces wet. And they have to learn to get used to it.


I don't really know why people sometimes don't like getting their faces wet. I actually have always, when I was little, I enjoyed swimming underwater. But often children don't like getting their face wet. Doesn't feel very nice.


And I think the mainreason is probably sometimes the water can go into your mouth. I wonder whether you've ever had that. Or worse up your nose, and that's not very nice at all. Hmm...But Anna's being brave. But poor Kipper, he's feeling a bit scared, I think.




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簡(jiǎn)介:海頓·摩爾(Haydon Moore)先生畢業(yè)于牛津大學(xué),后在布萊頓大學(xué)深造并獲得教育研究生資格證書(shū)(PGCE)。摩爾先生擁有30年的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn),其中25年在英國(guó)私校任職,他曾在位于薩塞克斯郡的一流名?!⑺诡D預(yù)備學(xué)校(Ashdown House)擔(dān)任高級(jí)教師和舍監(jiān)11年,任職校長(zhǎng)6年。摩爾先生在擇校方面經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富,幫助許多學(xué)生進(jìn)入了伊頓、西敏、哈羅、溫切斯特、拉德利、威雅、博耐頓和切爾滕納姆女子學(xué)院等著名公學(xué),以及薩姆菲爾德等預(yù)備學(xué)校。2018年,摩爾先生創(chuàng)辦了Trinity Learning(TL教育),為有意向?qū)⒑⒆铀蛠?lái)英國(guó)接受教育的家庭,提供多方面的指導(dǎo)和服務(wù)。