Learning to Swim 第一次學(xué)游泳(下)| 原版英語童話故事

2022-12-12 18:42:5013:26 85

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「“I want you to be a shark,” said Jan. She held Kipper's arms. “Kick your legs and make a big splash!”」


Kipper kicked and splashed, but he kept his face out of the water. He just didn't want to get his face wet.


Now that word “splash it's a really good word. We call this word, an onomatopoeia. What it means is that it makes the sound like the word it's describing. Splash.


It sounds like the noise it makes. Splash. We have words like that “bang is another one. It sounds like the sound it makes. Bang. Pop. Whiz. Splash.


And it says, I want you to be a shark”. She doesn't mean a real shark, does she? It's a figure of speech. It means I want you to be like a shark”, “I want you to be really good in the water”.


When we use “l(fā)ike” or “as”, we're describing something and then describing it like something else. That's called a simile. He was as big as a tree. He was as fast as a cheetah. As quiet as a mouse. As fierce as a lion. As fast as a rocket.


But sometimes we say people are things but we don't really mean. I want you to be a shark. You can't really be a shark. This is figurative, a metaphor. It's a long word, isn't it? When we say things are something, but we don't really mean it.


If you ate lots of food, your mummy could say “Oh, you're a horse!” Doesn’t mean that you're really a horse. It means you're like a horse. Horses eat a lot.


But poor Kipper, he doesn't want to get his face wet.


「Jan gave everyone a float. “Hold the float and kick your legs,” she said. “Try to get to the other side.” 」


Anna went fast on the float. But Kipper was not so fast. He held his head up out of the water.


Oh dear, poor Kipper. He still feeling a bit scared.


Soon, Kipper's lesson was over.


That means it's finished.


Kipper and Anna watched Biff and Chip learning to swim on their backs. Then their lesson was over too.」


“As well” .


Dad came in for a swim. “Watch me,” said Dad.」


Do you think Dad is gonna be a bit silly? I think he might be. And can you see his trunks there? And what does the sign say? “No Running”. You mustn't run in a swimming pool because you could fall over and bang your head, because swimming pools are very slippery.


「“Stop, Dad!” said Chip.“You're not allowed to jump.”」


But Dad didn't hear. He jumped into the water. SPLASH! The life guard told Dad off.


There must be no running and jumping in like that,” he said.


“Sorry!” said Dad.


So the life guard is the man or the woman that looks after the swimmers in case somebody gets very tired. We call it getting into trouble in the water. And they often wear a red T-shirt and yellow shorts, and have a whistle, which they blow if you do something dangerous.


Well, the children were behaving themselves, but who wasn't? That's right, it was Dad. He was being a bit silly.


And Dad is got a capital Dhere because we're using it as his name. Dad. Silly Dad.


「At last, it was family time. Anna was in the fun pool with her dad. 」


Suddenly, Kipper saw something fall into the water. Anna's dad had dropped his watch!


Anna!” shouted Kipper, but Anna didn't hear.


Oh dear, can you see Anna's dad's watch? It's dropped into the water. So sometimes you can wear a watch in the water, I think mine can. Sometimes you should be meant to take them off beforehand. But he dropped his watch. And kipper said “Anna!” but Anna didn't hear.


「Kipper bent down to pick up the watch, but the water was too deep. 」


So he took a big breath and put his face into the water!


Anna,” shouted Kipper. “I've got your dad's watch!”


Hooray!” said Anna. “You put your face in the water.”


So the watch has been dropped into the water. And if you look carefully in the picture, can you see something else? I think there's a pair of spectacles, sometimes we call this’s “glasses”, like I'm wearing, to help you see. And look, there's a...there's a pair that's being dropped as well.


And look here, it says I've got your dad's watch.” So when he's talking about your dad”, he's not calling him Dad” at title. Therefore the “d” is a small “d”.

再看看這里,上面寫著I've got your dad's watch我拿到了你爸爸的手表)”。所以當(dāng)他說到yourdad時,他不是作為頭銜名字來稱呼安娜爸爸。因此這個首字母d小寫的。

And look, the watch belongs to dad. So it's “dad’s”. That shows that the watch belongs to the dad. Your dads watch. And look, Anna says “Hooray!” And she doesn't really just say hooray because Kipper has found the watch. It's because Kipper has managed to put his face into the water. And write the way through the book, he was really scared about doing that.

再看,這塊手表是爸爸的。這里寫著“dad's”。這說明這塊手表是屬于爸爸的。Your dad's watch。再看,安娜說好耶!歡呼的原因并不只是因為基珀找到了手表。更是因為基珀成功做到了把自己的臉埋進水里。在這本書中,貫穿始終地,一直懼怕做這件事

「Just then a hooter sounded and lights flashed. It was time for the wave machine.」


“Hooray,” said everyone.


Soon there were waves in the pool.


“The waves will splash you,” said Dad. “Do you want to get out?”


“No,” said Kipper. “This is fun! I like getting my face wet.”


Okay. So what does this teach us in this story? What has Kipper managed to do? He's been able to overcome his fear. He was scared of the water, all the way through the book in the lessons that he had, he didn't want to get his face wet.


But when something happened, when Anna's dad's watch fell off, Kipper was really brave, and he put his face in the head under the water. And once you have done that, you have conquered your fear, which means that you're not scared of something anymore because you've tried it, you've given it a go.


And then it means that when the wave machine comes which are they have in lots of swimming pools, he doesn't have to get out because he doesn't mind getting his face wet anymore.


So that's our story today. Why did Kipper feel scared before his swimming lesson? I think he didn't really like the idea of putting his face in the water, and also he was probably just a bit nervous.


Why did Dad get told off for jumping in the water? Silly Dad, that's a bit naughty, can be dangerous.


How did Kipper feel after his put his face in the water? Well, I think he felt really proud, really proud of his achievement.


And what do you like doing at the swimming pool? Some people like just swimming. Some people like just mucking about. Some people, in some swimming pools, they have wave machines to play in. And they sometimes have really good slides as well. And sometimes call them a flume. And you go down them and then go really really fast.


But it's good fun that going swimming. It's really interesting. With the Covid, with what everyone has had in the world, when we were being in lockdown, lots of people couldn't go swimming.


And it was one thing that people said, “Oh, children aren't learning to swim because it's really difficult for them to be able to go to the swimming pools.” But swimming, everyone realizes it is a really important skill to learn.


And if you can't swim, it is never too late. You can always do it when you're a bit older. But I think it's something that you should really really try to do.



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簡介:海頓·摩爾(Haydon Moore)先生畢業(yè)于牛津大學(xué),后在布萊頓大學(xué)深造并獲得教育研究生資格證書(PGCE)。摩爾先生擁有30年的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,其中25年在英國私校任職,他曾在位于薩塞克斯郡的一流名?!⑺诡D預(yù)備學(xué)校(Ashdown House)擔(dān)任高級教師和舍監(jiān)11年,任職校長6年。摩爾先生在擇校方面經(jīng)驗豐富,幫助許多學(xué)生進入了伊頓、西敏、哈羅、溫切斯特、拉德利、威雅、博耐頓和切爾滕納姆女子學(xué)院等著名公學(xué),以及薩姆菲爾德等預(yù)備學(xué)校。2018年,摩爾先生創(chuàng)辦了Trinity Learning(TL教育),為有意向?qū)⒑⒆铀蛠碛邮芙逃募彝?,提供多方面的指?dǎo)和服務(wù)。