009唐頓莊園Downton Abbey.S01E03-1

2024-03-24 22:13:0006:54 47

There you are, Mr Bates. It's in. Came this morning.

They said it would, which isn't quite the same thing.


I could have posted that for you.

Well, I prefer to do it myself.

I'll wait outside.


What are you doing?

If you must know, I'm trying to find some space

on top of the cupboard to make life easier.

So, what's in it, then?


The bleeding great packing case that weighs a tonne, that's what.

- Can't you just leave it? - No, I can't.

And you'll tell me right now.

- Anything interesting? - Not particularly.

It's from Evelyn Napier.

You met him with

the Delderfields last November, at Doncaster races.

- Is that Lord Branksome's boy? - It is.

Do you like him?

- I don't dislike him. - And what's he writing about?

Nothing much, he's out with the York and Ainsty next week.

The meet is at Downton. He'll want some tea when he's up here.

Where's he staying? With friends?

He says he's found a pub that caters for hunting.

Well, we can improve on that.

He must come here. He can send the horses up early if he wants.

He'll know why you're asking him.

I can't think what you mean.

His mother's a friend of mine. She'll be pleased at the idea.

Not very pleased, she's dead.

All the more reason, then.

You can write a note, too, and put it in with mine.

Should I tell him about your friendship with his late mother?

I am sure you, of all people, can compose a letter

to a young man without any help from me.

How much did it cost?

Every penny I'd saved. Almost.

And is this the mystery lover?

I've been taking a correspondence course in typing and shorthand.

That's what was in the envelopes.

- Are you any good? - Yes.

I am, actually.

Her Ladyship wants the fawn skirt Lady Mary never wears.

The seamstress is going to

fit it to Lady Sybil, but I can't find it.

I'll come in a minute.

- They're waiting now. - One minute.

I'm just changing my cap and apron.

Have you told anyone? What did your parents say?

I can't tell them till I've got a job.

Dad will think I'm a fool

to leave a good place and Mum will say I'm getting above myself,

- but I don't believe that. - Nor do I.

It's not of my doing. It's all Mary's own work.

But I think we should encourage it.

Branksome's a dull dog, but I don't suppose that matters.

Did you know his wife had died?

He only ever talks about racing.

Cora is right.

Mary won't take Matthew Crawley,

so we'd better get her settled

before the bloom is quite gone off the rose.

Is the family an old one?

Older than yours, I imagine.

- Old enough. - And there's plenty of money.

- Oh, really? - Hmm.

Mama, you've already looked him up in the stud books

and made enquiries about the fortune, don't pretend otherwise.

Are you afraid someone

will think you're American if you speak openly?

I doubt it'll come to that.

- Shall I ring for tea? - No, not for me.

I'm meeting Cripps at five. I'll see you at dinner.

You don't seem very pleased.

I'm pleased.

- It's not brilliant, but I'm pleased. - So?

I don't want Robert to use a marriage

as an excuse to stop fighting for Mary's inheritance.

It won't make any difference.

I don't think he has the slightest intention of fighting as it is.

The price of saving Downton

is to accept Matthew Crawley as his heir.

What about you?

I don't dislike Matthew.

In fact, I rather admire him.

Is that sufficient reason to give him your money?

- Of course not. - Then there's nothing more to be said.

Are we going to have tea or not?


I'd offer you a lift if I could.

It was you I was coming to see.

Well, then, your timing is matchless. I've just got off the train.

The other day, at dinner,

Cousin Isobel was saying

you wanted to see some of the local churches.

She's right. I do.

I want to know more about

the county generally, if I'm to live here.

Well, I thought I might show you a few of the nearer ones.

We could take a picnic and make an outing of it.

- That's very kind. - Nonsense. I'll enjoy it.

It's too long since I've played the tourist.

Well, it would have to be a Saturday.

The churches work on Sunday and I work all the weekdays.

Then Saturday it is.

I'll get Lynch to sort out the governess cart

and I'll pick you up at about 11:00.

- How does it work? - Well, it's easy.

You just press the letters and they print on the paper.

Get back, please.

They were trying to hide it, so I knew it was wrong.

Where's Gwen now?

Doing the dining room with Anna, they'll be finishing.

Then I'll wait.

With all due respect, Mr Carson, Gwen is under my jurisdiction.

Indeed she is, Mrs Hughes,

and I have no intention of usurping your authority.

I merely want to get to the bottom of it.

Why shouldn't Gwen have a typewriter, if she wants one?

Mind your own business.

- What's that doing here? - Ah, Gwen. Come in.

Why is that down here? Who's been in my room?

They had no right.

See here. In the first place,

none of the rooms in this house belong to you.

And in the second, I am in charge of your welfare

and that gives me every right.

This is you, isn't it?

All we want is to know what Gwen wants with a typewriter

and why she feels the need to keep it secret?

She wants to keep it private, not secret.

- There's a difference. - Amen.

I've done nothing to be ashamed of.

I've bought a typewriter

and I've taken a postal course in shorthand.

I'm not aware that either of these actions is illegal.

Will you tell us why, preferably without any more cheek?

Because I want to leave service. I want to be a secretary.

You want to leave service?

What's wrong with being in service?

Nothing's wrong with it.

And there's nothing wrong with mending roads, neither,

but it's not what I want to do.

I should remind you that there are plenty of young girls

who will be glad of a position in this house.









聽唐頓莊園 學地道英語












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