010唐頓莊園Downton Abbey.S01E03-2

2024-03-25 22:13:0208:25 40


I saw this advertisement for a limp corrector.


What does it do, exactly?

It corrects limps.

Does it work?

Well, as I make it and I advertise it,

is it likely I'd say no?

Could I see one?

Here we are.

You adjust this to the right height to minimise the limp.

You tighten these, gradually, as tight as you can stand,

and as the legs straighten the foot lowers to the floor.

Can't say it's going to be easy.

And you can't slack.

Every day, all day,

if you mean business.

All right.

How much?

She asks if we can both dine on Saturday?

There are two young men staying,

so you won't be so out numbered for once.

What men?

A Turkish diplomat

called something I can't read

and "Lord Branksome's charming son",

who's to be flung at Mary, presumably.

When it comes to Cousin Mary,

she's quite capable of doing her own flinging, I assure you.

Ah, open the door, can you?

I couldn't find her breeches anywhere,

so I asked Mr Bates

and he looked among His Lordship's riding clothes

and there they were.

I only hope to god I've got everything.

Hat, I'll do here.

Gloves and crop are in the hall.


Whatever's the matter?

Hey, come on, sit down.

What's up?

Oh, I'm just being silly.

You should get that brushed.

He won't be up for another half an hour. Now, what is it?

Well, I suppose I've just realised that it's not going to happen.

- What isn't? - Oh, none of it.

I'm not going to be a secretary.

I'm not going to leave service.

I doubt I'll leave here before I'm 60.

What's all this?

You saw their faces.

And they're right. Oh, look at me.

I'm the daughter of a farmhand, I'm lucky to be a maid.

I was born with nothing and I'll die with nothing.

Don't talk like that.

You can change your life if you want to.

Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself,

but you can change it completely, I know.

Mr Bates?

Are you all right?

Take her upstairs, dry her off.

Come on, Gwen, hey?

Mr Bates, what's the matter?

Nothing. Not a thing. I'm fine.

Let me help you.

I'm perfectly all right, thank you, Mrs Hughes.

Are you sure? You're as white as a sheet.

That's my wonderful complexion,

inherited from my Irish mother.

Take it. Take it, don't dawdle.

Ah, thank you.

- Can you see them, My Lady? - Not yet.

Oh, wait a minute. Here's Mr Napier.

I was beginning to give up on you.

We're moving off.

We were fools not to accept your mother's invitation

and send the horses down early.

As it is, my groom only got here an hour or two ago.

My mount's as jumpy as a deb at her first ball.

What about Mr Pamuk?

I gather if he takes a tumble,

you'll be endangering world peace.

Don't worry about Kemal. He knows what he's doing on a horse.

Oh, well, where is he?

Fussing. He's rather a dandy.

And I can see him now. A funny little foreigner

with a wide, toothy grin and hair reeking of pomade.

I wouldn't quite say that. Here he is now.

Lady Mary Crawley, I presume?

- You presume right. - Sorry to be so dishevelled.

We've been on a train since dawn

and we had to change in a shed.

You don't look dishevelled to me.

Lynch, you don't have to stay with me.

But His Lordship asked me to.

It's a waste of your day.

Help Mr Napier's men get their things back to the house.

- His Lordship said... - Don't worry. I'll look after her.

We'll make it our business to keep her from harm, I promise.

I hope the day is living up to your expectations?

It is exceeding them in every way.

And where's Mr Napier?

He's gone over the bridge, look.

And what about you, will you follow him

or will you come over the jump with me?

I was never much one for going round by the road.

Stay by me and we'll take it together.

I wish we could talk a little more about you.

What was it like, growing up in Manchester?

Does it say anything about the side aisles?

"The side aisles were added in the 14th Century

by Bishop Richard De Warren."

Yes, you can see that in the treatment of the stone.

It's wonderful to think of all those men and women

worshipping together through the centuries, isn't it?

Dreaming and hoping.

Much as we do, I suppose.

Was the screen a Cromwell casualty?,

I dare say.

Wonder how Mary's getting on?

All right, I should think.

- Why? - I just wondered.

Will she stay with the hunt the whole day?

Oh, you know Mary. She likes to be in at the kill.

Where shall we go next?

- Not home? - Oh, not yet.

We've time for one more at least before we lose the light.

I underestimated your enthusiasm.

Come on.

Is that one mine?

Home is the hunter, home from the hill.

Heavens, you have been in the wars.

Papa, this is Mr. Pamuk.

My father, Lord Grantham.

- How do you do, My Lord? - Did you have a good day?

- Couldn't have been better. - This is Thomas, sir.

He will be looking after you.

- You remember Mr. Napier. - Of course. How are you?

So kind of you to have us, Lady Grantham.

And this is Mr. Pamuk.

- How do you do? - My Lady.

- Well, what would you like? - Just baths. We're worn out.

Your cases are upstairs, sir. If you'd like to follow me.


Well, I hope Mary hasn't left you too exhausted, Mr. Napier?










聽唐頓莊園 學(xué)地道英語












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