017唐頓莊園Downton Abbey.S01E04-5

2024-04-04 14:40:0806:33 19

He's not a ladies' man.

Well, isn't it a blessed relief?

Daisy, Thomas is a troubled soul.

I don't know what you mean, Mrs Patmore.

Oh, nothing. I don't mean anything.

Except, if I don't get the ice cream started,

they'll be dining at midnight.

Golly, my corset's tight.

Anna, when you've done that,

would you be an angel and loosen it a bit?

The start of the slippery slope.

I'm not putting on weight.

It didn't shrink in the drawer.

Are you coming down?

I don't know why we bother with corsets.

Men don't wear them,

and they look perfectly normal in their clothes.

- Not all of them. - She's just showing off.

She'll be on about the vote in a minute.

If you mean do I think women should have the vote,

of course I do.

I hope you won't chain yourself to the railings

and end up being force-fed semolina.

What do you think, Anna?

- I think those women are very brave. - Hear, hear.

How did you get on with your dressmaker?

- Find anything? - I did.

And she says she can have it done by Friday.

I'm sorry I couldn't come, but I didn't want to put Matthew off.

Were you pleased with the work on the cottages?

I think they're making a very good job of them.

You must all go and see.

You'll restore a few every year from now on?

It was Matthew's idea.

Old Cripps was rather reluctant,

but I'm pleased we went forward.

- I suppose it's worth it? - Of course it is.

Because of the people who'll live in them.

You'll be glad to hear that Matthew's conscience

is much more energetic than mine.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed.

I've rather a headache.

Of course. Shall I bring you something for it?

No. I'll be perfectly fine, if I can just lie down.


Oh, my darling.

What is it?

You heard him.

Matthew this, Matthew that. Matthew, Matthew, Matthew!

Oh, Mother, don't you see? He has a son now.

Of course he didn't argue with the entail.

Why would he?

When he's got what he always wanted.

Your father loves you very much.

He wouldn't fight for me, though.

He wouldn't fight for you because he knew he couldn't win.

- You're no better. - What?

You don't care about Matthew getting everything,

because you don't think I'm worthy of it.

- Mary! - I wish you'd just admit it.

I'm a lost soul to you.

I took a lover with no thought of marriage, a Turk!

Think of that! Oh, my dear!

Don't worry, Mama. You can go down now.

Everything will look better in the morning.

Isn't that what you usually say?

I say it because it's usually true.

Papa will wonder where you are.

- Don't quarrel with Matthew. - Why shouldn't I?

Because one day you may need him.

Oh, I see.

When I've ruined myself,

I must have a powerful protector to hide behind.

I'd tell you off,

but I like to hear you play.

- Where are they all? - Busy, I suppose.

Haven't you got anything to do?

Yes, I have. Of course I have.

You mustn't let Thomas get you down.

He's just jealous. Everyone likes you better than him.

Not everyone.

Then she's a foolish girl and she doesn't deserve you.

Though why am I encouraging you?

Forget all that. For 10 years, at least.

You're a kind woman, Mrs Hughes.

I don't know

how this house would run without you. I don't, truly.

Stop flannelling and get on,

before I betray you to Mr Carson.

Oh, is there anything more thrilling than a new frock?

I suppose not, My Lady.

You shall have one, too.

I thought this would be suitable for your interview.

- I won't be wearing it, My Lady. - Of course you will.

We have to make you look like a successful, professional woman.

What is it? What's happened?

Well, I won't wear it because I'm not going.

They've cancelled the appointment.

They've found someone more suited for the post

and better qualified.

- This time. - Let's face it.

There'll never be anyone less

suited for the post or worse qualified than I am.

That isn't true.

You'll see, we're not giving up.

No one hits the bull's eye with the first arrow.

I've put out the Rundell candlesticks for dinner tonight.

Oh. I'm sorry, I'll come back later.

No. Stay, please.

I've got something I'd like to talk to you about,

if you've a minute.

Before I first came here as head housemaid,

I was walking out with a farmer.

When I told him I'd taken a job at Downton,

he asked me to marry him.

I was a farmer's daughter from Argyll,

so I knew the life.

He was very nice,

but then I came here and I did well and...

I didn't want to give it up.

So I told him no, and he married someone else.

She died three years ago.

And last month he wrote, asking to see me again.

And I agreed. Because all this time, I've wondered.

Go on.

I met him the other night.

We had dinner at the Grantham Arms

and after, he took me to the fair.

And he was horrible and fat and red-faced,

and you couldn't think what you ever saw in him.

He was still a nice man. He is still a nice man.

Well, he was a bit red-faced

and his suit was a little tight, but none of that matters.

In the real ways, he hadn't changed.

And he proposed again and you accepted?

In many ways, I wanted to accept.

But I'm not that farm girl any more.

I was flattered, of course, but...

I've changed, Mr Carson.

Life's altered you, as it's altered me.

And what would be the point of living

if we didn't let life change us?

You won't be leaving, then?

You'd better come. Mrs Patmore's on the rampage.

She wants the key to the store cupboard.

You know how angry she gets she hasn't got one of her own.

Nor will she have. Not while I'm housekeeper here.

Leaving? When would I ever find the time?

Whatever is holding Sybil up?

She was going on about her new frock.

We'd better go in without her,

or it's not fair on Mrs Patmore.

Oh, is her cooking so precisely timed? You couldn't tell.

- I think her food is delicious. - Naturally.

Good evening, everyone.








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