[詳解] 英語四級單詞磨耳朵(511-530)|每天打卡,跟我背單詞

2019-03-10 00:00:0242:53 2.5萬


2023/1/6 更新為詳解版

511. accommodation:/??k?m??de???n/ n. 住處;工作場所;停留處【The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation. 這個度假套餐的價格包括機票錢和住宿費。// Universities have to provide student accommodation for first-year students. 大學(xué)必須為一年級學(xué)生提供住宿。// His accommodation is not in good condition. 他的住宿條件不好?!?lt;在日常英語中,比起用'accommodation',人們更常說'somewhere to live / somewhere to stay', 如:She’s trying to find somewhere to live. / Have you found anywhere to stay yet?>;協(xié)議;和解;調(diào)解;調(diào)和【W(wǎng)e reached an accommodation between both parties. 我們雙方達(dá)成了和解。// Neither side was willing to make any kind of accommodation. 雙方都不愿意作出任何妥協(xié)?!?/p>

512. accommodate:/??k?m?de?t/ v. 容納;為…提供空間【He bought a huge house to accommodate his library. 他買了一座大房子作為他的圖書館。// The ballroom can accommodate 400 people. 舞廳可容納400人。// The room can accommodate up to 6 guests. 這間客房最多可容納6位客人。 】;為(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等)【The island was used to accommodate child refugees. 該島曾被用來收容兒童難民。// The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 這家酒店最多可容納500名客人?!?;(formal) 考慮到;顧及【W(wǎng)e've made every effort to accommodate your point of view. 我們已盡一切努力來照顧您的意見。// Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups. 我們的提案盡可能照顧到少數(shù)群體的特殊需要。】;(formal) 順應(yīng),適應(yīng)(新情況)【Her eyes took a while to accommodate to the darkness. 她的眼睛花了一段時間,才適應(yīng)黑暗。// Some find it hard to accommodate themselves to the new working conditions. 有些人覺得很難適應(yīng)新的工作環(huán)境。// I needed to accommodate to the new schedule. 我需要適應(yīng)新的時間表?!?/p>

513. terror:/?ter?r/ n. 驚恐;恐懼;驚駭(a feeling of extreme fear)【People fled in terror as fire tore through the building. 大火穿透了大樓,人們驚恐地逃離。// Shots rang out, and I screamed in terror. 槍聲響起,我嚇得尖叫起來。// We lived in terror of our father when he was drinking. 父親喝酒時,我們生活在恐懼中。// There was a look of sheer terror (=complete terror) on his face. 他的臉上有一種極度恐懼的表情。// The sound of enemy planes struck terror into our hearts. 敵機的聲音使我們心驚膽戰(zhàn)。】;可怕的人;恐怖的事;可怕的情況【 Death holds no terrors for (=does not frighten) me. 死亡對我來說并不可怕?!?;(通常出于政治目的)恐怖行動,恐怖【The resistance movement started a campaign of terror. 抵抗運動開始了一場恐怖運動?!浚挥憛捁?;小搗蛋(a child who is difficult to control)【That Johnson kid's a real little terror! 那個叫Johnson的小孩真是個討厭鬼?!?/p>

514. cream:/kri?m/ n. 奶油;乳脂【strawberries and cream 加奶油的草莓】;奶油色,淡黃色,米黃色;護膚霜【sun cream 防曬霜 // face cream 面霜】;adj. 奶油色的,淡黃色的,米黃色的【a cream-coloured carpet 米黃色的地毯 // A cream-colored towel on a towel rack. 毛巾架上的淡黃色毛巾?!浚籿. 把…攪成糊狀【Cream the butter and sugar together. 把黃油和糖攪拌在一起。】;徹底打??;狠揍【W(wǎng)e got creamed 45–6. 我們被以45:6徹底打敗。】

515. quarter:/?kw??t?r/ n. 四分之一,四等份之一【Cut the cake into quarters. 把蛋糕切成4塊。// Under a quarter of people questioned said that they were happily married. 不到1/4的受訪者稱他們的婚姻很幸福?!?;15分鐘, 一刻鐘【I'll meet you in a quarter of an hour. 15分鐘后見。// She arrived three quarters of an hour (=45 minutes) late. 她遲到了45分鐘。// I'll meet you at a quarter past ten. 我十點一刻和你見面?!?;三個月時間;季度;季【The company's profits rose by 11% in the first quarter of the year. 該公司今年第一季度利潤增長了11%。// Our database is updated every quarter. 我們的數(shù)據(jù)庫每季度更新一次。// We're here today to discuss the upcoming merger, as well as go over last quarter's sales figures. 我們今天在這里討論即將到來的合并,以及上一季度的銷售數(shù)據(jù)。】;(城鎮(zhèn)的)區(qū)【This is the bustling commercial quarter of the city. 這里是該城繁華的商業(yè)區(qū)?!浚籿. 把…切成四部分【Quarter the tomatoes and place them round the dish. 把西紅柿切成4塊,擺在盤子四周?!?;給…提供食宿;使(尤指部隊)駐扎【Our troops were quartered in Boston until June. 我們的部隊駐扎在波士頓直到六月。// The soldiers were quartered with (= they lived with) local people during the war. 在戰(zhàn)爭期間,士兵們住在當(dāng)?shù)卮迕窦依??!?/p>

516. skilful:/?sk?lf?l/ (美式拼寫為skillful) adj. 技術(shù)好的;功夫深的;嫻熟的,熟練的【After a few years, he became very skilful at drawing. 幾年后,他變得非常擅長繪畫。// Police officers have to be skilful drivers. 警察必須能熟練駕駛車輛?!?;制作精良的;處理巧妙的【the skilful use of sound effects 聲音效果的巧妙運用 // Thanks to her skilful handling of the affair, the problem was averted. 多虧她對事情處理得巧妙,才避免了麻煩。<avert /??v??rt/ 避免;阻止;防止>】

517. skilled:/sk?ld/ adj. 有技能的;熟練的;(工作)需要特殊技能的,需要經(jīng)過專門訓(xùn)練的【Skilled craftsmen, such as carpenters, are in great demand. 熟練的工匠,如木匠,很受歡迎。<in great demand 很受歡迎;需求量大> // The company is fortunate to have such highly skilled workers. 公司很幸運有這么技藝高超的工人。// She's very skilled at dealing with the public. 她很善于與公眾打交道。// Was the doctor as skilled as he said he was?那醫(yī)生有他說的那么厲害嗎? // Bricklaying is very skilled work. 砌磚是一項技術(shù)性很強的活兒。】

518. minister:/?m?n?st?r/ n. 部長,大臣【the Minister of Agriculture 農(nóng)業(yè)部長 // the Minister for Foreign Affairs 外交部長 // a meeting of EU foreign ministers 歐盟外長會議】;公使;外交使節(jié)【the Belgian minister in Madrid 比利時駐馬德里公使】;v. minister to sb / minister to sth (formal) 照料,服侍(年老或體弱者等);滿足(…的需要);服侍;幫助【For 44 years he had ministered to the poor, the sick, the neglected and the deprived. 44年來,他一直致力于幫助那些窮人、病人、無人照料的人和失去生活依靠的人?!?/p>

519. ministry:/?m?n?stri/ n. (政府的)部,內(nèi)閣【the Ministry of Agriculture 農(nóng)業(yè)部 // a Defence Ministry spokesman 國防部發(fā)言人 // The Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation. 俄羅斯聯(lián)邦衛(wèi)生保健部】

520. paw:/p??/ n. 爪子;(動物的)爪;(人的)手【a lion's paw 獅子的爪子 // Keep your filthy paws off me! 別用你骯臟的爪子碰我!】;v. (動物) (不斷地)撓,抓【The dog's pawing at the door again – let him out. 狗又在撓門——讓它出去?!?;猥褻地摩挲;動手動腳;動手挑逗【He'd had too much to drink and started pawing me. 他喝多了,開始對我動手動腳。】

521. undo:/?n?du?/ v. 解開;打開;拆開【The screws can be undone by hand. 這些螺釘可以用手?jǐn)Q開。// I undid the package carefully. 我小心地打開包裹。// Go ahead and undo your seat belt for me and step out.  去吧,幫我解開安全帶,然后出去。】;消除,取消,廢止(某事的影響),抵消(某行為的效果)【If a medicine is taken again too soon, it may undo all the good that has been done. 如果過早地再次服用藥物,可能會前功盡棄。// Industry lobbyists pushed the government to undo the decision. 行業(yè)說客敦促政府撤銷這一決定?!?/p>

522. super:/?su?p?r/ adj. 超級的;頂好的;頂呱呱的;出色的,極好的 = excellent;extremely good【an old car in super condition 一輛狀況極好的舊車 // That sounds super. 聽起來很棒。// What a super idea! 多么棒的主意!】;adv. 尤其地,非常地【Sorry, I'm super tired, I have to turn in. 對不起,我太累了,我得去睡了。<turn in  上床睡覺;把(某人)交給警方 ; 告發(fā) ; 檢舉 ; 自首> // I'm super flattered. 我真是受寵若驚。】

523. swap:/sw?p/,/swɑ?p/ v. 交換,交易【He swapped his watch for a box of cigars. 他用手表換了一盒雪茄。// The girls chatted and swapped clothes with each other. 女孩們聊著天,互相交換衣服穿。// We need to get together to swap ideas and information. 我們得聚在一起交換想法和信息。// They sat in a corner and swapped gossip. 他們坐在角落里閑聊。// You start on the windows and I'll do the walls, then we can swap over after an hour or so. 你從窗戶開始,我來刷墻壁,大約一個小時后我們可以交換。// She ended up swapping jobs with her secretary. 她最終與秘書換了工作?!?;用…替換;把…換成;掉換【The driver announced that we would have to swap buses. 司機說我們得要再換乘公共汽車。// She had swapped her long skirts for jeans and T-shirts. 她把長裙換成了牛仔褲和T恤衫。// He swapped his London home for a cottage in Scotland. 他把倫敦的家換成了蘇格蘭的一所小屋。// Why don't we swap the TV with the bookcase? 我們?yōu)槭裁床话央娨暫蜁軗Q一下位置呢?】;n. 交換;掉換;交換物;被掉換者【a fair swap 公平的交易 // We can do a swap if you like. 如果你愿意,我們可以交換。// Most of my football stickers are swaps. 我的足球圖文標(biāo)簽多數(shù)都是跟別人換來的?!?/p>

524. risk:/r?sk/ n. 危險;風(fēng)險【Skiers always face the risk of serious injury. 滑雪運動員總是面臨嚴(yán)重受傷的風(fēng)險。// There is a risk that the disease may spread further. 這種疾病有進一步傳播的風(fēng)險。// There is no risk to public health. 對公眾健康沒有風(fēng)險。// Isn't he taking a bit of a risk in coming here? 他來這里不是有點冒險嗎?// I couldn't take the risk of leaving him alone even for a short time. 我不能冒險讓他單獨呆著,哪怕一小會兒?!浚晃kU人物;會帶來風(fēng)險的事物;潛在危險;隱患【Meat from the infected animals is regarded as a serious health risk (=something likely to harm people's health). 被感染動物的肉被視為嚴(yán)重的損害人們健康的東西。// The tyre dump is a major fire risk (=something that could cause a dangerous fire). 輪胎堆放處有重大火災(zāi)風(fēng)險。// She's becoming a security risk (=someone who may tell important secrets to an enemy). 她正在成為一個安全隱患?!?;at risk 處境危險,冒風(fēng)險【All houses within 100 metres of the seas are at risk of flooding. 所有離海岸不足100米的房子都有被洪水襲擊的危險?!?;at your own risk 自擔(dān)風(fēng)險;責(zé)任自負(fù)【Drivers are reminded that they leave their cars here at their own risk. 車主受到提示說在此停車風(fēng)險自負(fù)?!?;run a risk / take a risk 冒風(fēng)險;做冒險的事情【Don't take any risks - just call the police. 不要冒險行事——給警察打電話吧。// You're running a big risk if oil prices drop sharply. 如果油價下跌,你就會冒上很大的風(fēng)險。】;v. 擔(dān)…的風(fēng)險,冒險干;使遭受危險【They may even risk losing their homes. 他們甚至可能面臨失去家園的風(fēng)險。// Some people are prepared to risk imprisonment for what they believe. 有些人準(zhǔn)備為自己的信仰 擔(dān)著被監(jiān)禁的風(fēng)險。// Workers who broke the strike risked being attacked when they left the factory. 破壞罷工的工人在離開工廠時有被襲擊的危險。// When children start smoking, they don't realize that they're risking their health. 當(dāng)孩子們開始吸煙時,他們并沒有意識到他們在使健康遭受風(fēng)險?!?/p>

525. dominant:/?d?m?n?nt/,/?dɑ?m?n?nt/ adj. 首要的;占支配地位的;占優(yōu)勢的;顯著的【The dominant male gorilla is the largest in the group. 占優(yōu)勢的雄性大猩猩是該群體中最大的。// Japan became dominant in the mass market during the 1980s. 日本在20世紀(jì)80年代成為大眾市場的主導(dǎo)者。// its dominant position within the group 其在集團內(nèi)的主導(dǎo)地位】;(基因)顯性的【The disease is under the control of a single dominant gene. 這種疾病由一個顯性基因控制?!?/p>

526. section:/?sek??n/ n. 部分;部門;片段【The plane's tail section was found in a cornfield. 飛機的尾部在玉米地里被發(fā)現(xiàn)。// the smoking section (=where you can smoke) 吸煙區(qū) // You'll find yogurt in the dairy section of the grocery store.  你可以在雜貨店的乳品區(qū)找到酸奶?!?;部件;散件【The boats were built in Scotland, and transported to Egypt in sections. 這些船是在蘇格蘭建造的,并分段運輸?shù)桨<?。】;(文件;書籍?節(jié);款;項;段;部分【This issue will be discussed further in section two. 第二節(jié)將進一步討論這個問題?!?;(人類群體)階層;界;組【a large section of the American public 美國公眾中的廣大階層 // an issue that will affect large sections of the population 涉及人口中廣大階層的問題】;(組織機構(gòu))部門;處;科;股;組【He's the director of the finance section. 他是財務(wù)處處長?!?;剖面圖;斷面圖;(供顯微鏡下觀察的)切片

527. sector:/?sekt?r/ n. (一國經(jīng)濟的)部門,領(lǐng)域,行業(yè) ;扇形;地帶【In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies have both lost a lot of money. 在金融領(lǐng)域,銀行和保險公司都損失嚴(yán)重。// The country has a new policy of transferring state industries from the public sector to the private sector. 該政府的新政策是將國有工業(yè)私有化。// Supermarkets are examples of businesses in the tertiary sector. 超市是第三產(chǎn)業(yè)的范例。<tertiary /?t??r?ieri/ 第三的;第三位的;第三級的;tertiary sector 第三產(chǎn)業(yè)> // The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend. 相比之下,私營企業(yè)就有大量資金可供支出?!?/p>

528. succession:/s?k?se??n/ n. 一連串;一系列;接連【A succession of scandals and revelations has undermined the government over the past year. 過去的一年里,一連串的丑聞和接連爆出的內(nèi)幕損害了政府的威望。// Life was just an endless succession of parties and dinners. 生活只不過是一連串沒完沒了的聚會和晚宴。】;繼任,接任;繼承【If the prince dies, the succession passes to his son. 如果王子去世,繼承權(quán)將傳給他的兒子?!?;in succession 接連地,連續(xù)地【She had her first three children in rapid succession. 她的前3個孩子是連年緊挨著出生的。// This is the seventh year in succession that they've won the tournament. 這是他們連續(xù)第7年捧杯?!?/p>

529. successive:/s?k?ses?v/ adj. 連續(xù)的;接連的;相繼的【The team has had five successive victories. 這支球隊已經(jīng)取得了五連勝。 // Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue. 歷屆政府都試圖解決這個問題。// Successive administrations have failed to solve the country's economic problems. 歷屆政府都未能解決該國的經(jīng)濟問題?!?/p>

530. split:/spl?t/ v. 分裂,使分裂(成不同的派別)【It was feared that the issue would split the church. 人們擔(dān)心這個問題會分裂教會。 // The party is split over the issue of immigration. 該黨在移民問題上意見分歧。// The government appears deeply split on this issue. 政府在這個問題上似乎存在嚴(yán)重分歧。// The war has split the nation in two. 戰(zhàn)爭把這個國家一分為二。】;分開,使分開(成為幾個部分)【Can you split into groups of three now? 你現(xiàn)在能分成三人一組嗎?// The book is split into six sections. 這本書分為六個部分?!浚唬ㄊ梗┧毫选綩ne of the boxes had split open. 其中一個箱子裂開了。// The board had split in two. 板子裂成兩半?!?;分擔(dān);分?jǐn)?;分享【Profits will be split between three major charities. 利潤將由三大慈善機構(gòu)分享。// He agreed to sell the car and split the proceeds with his brother. 他同意賣掉這輛車,并將所得與他兄弟平分。// We agreed to split the cost. 我們同意分?jǐn)傎M用。 】;(和某人)斷絕關(guān)系,分手;離開(某人)【He split from his wife last year. 他去年和妻子分手了。// The band split two years ago. 樂隊兩年前解散了?!?;n. 裂縫;裂口【a long split in the sleeve of his coat 他上衣袖子上的一道長裂口】;分歧;分裂;分離【The argument could lead to a damaging split in the party. 這場爭論可能會導(dǎo)致黨內(nèi)出現(xiàn)破壞性的分裂。// The union is desperate to avoid a split over this issue. 工會極力避免在這個問題上出現(xiàn)分歧?!?;劃分;分別;份額【In a publishing deal, the average split used to be 50:50 between writer and publisher. 在出版協(xié)議中,作者和出版商之間的平均分成比例曾經(jīng)是50:50。】








這是來聽催眠曲的 哈哈













2021.6 大學(xué)英語四級真題詳解



大學(xué)英語四級真題詳解 第8版



大學(xué)英語四級真題詳解 第7版




