[詳解] 英語(yǔ)四級(jí)單詞磨耳朵(401-420)|每天打卡,跟我背單詞

2019-03-05 00:00:0338:58 3萬(wàn)


2022/11/22 更新為詳解版

401. accumulate:/??kju?mj?le?t/ v. 積累;積聚;積攢【By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她投資精明,積累了一筆財(cái)富。// The company said the debt was accumulated during its acquisition of nine individual businesses. 該公司稱其在收購(gòu)9家個(gè)體公司的過(guò)程中,債務(wù)越積越多?!?;逐漸增加;逐漸升高【Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs. 脂肪往往堆積在臀部和大腿周圍。// A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room. 房間里積了厚厚一層灰塵?!?lt;在日常英語(yǔ)中,比起用'accumulate',人們更常用'build up',如:These chemicals tend to build up in the soil.>

402. voluntary:/?v?l?nt?ri/,/?vɑ?l?nteri/ adj. 自愿的;志愿的;義務(wù)的;(社會(huì)組織)志愿的,公益性的【voluntary workers 義工 // He does some voluntary work. 他做一些義務(wù)工作。// a voluntary organization providing help for the elderly 為老年人提供幫助的志愿組織 // She does a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross. 她為紅十字會(huì)做了很多志愿工作。// Workers are being encouraged to take voluntary redundancy. 員工被鼓勵(lì)自愿離職?!?/p>

403. interrupt:/??nt??r?pt/ v. 插嘴;打斷(其他人說(shuō)話);打擾;打岔【W(wǎng)ill you stop interrupting me! 你別打岔行不!// Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone to see you. 對(duì)不起打擾一下,有人要見你。// I hope I'm not interrupting you. 我希望我沒有打攪你?!?;使暫停;使中斷【W(wǎng)e interrupt the current programme for a newsflash. 我們中斷當(dāng)前節(jié)目,播放新聞快訊。// The game was interrupted several times by rain. 比賽因下雨中斷了幾次?!?/p>

404. smart:/smɑ?rt/ adj. 聰明的;機(jī)敏的;精明的【The smart kids get good grades and go off to college. 聰明的孩子成績(jī)好,上大學(xué)。// I was smart enough to wait for a week. 我很精明,等了一個(gè)星期。// His decision to become a director was a smart move (=sensible thing to do). 他決定當(dāng)導(dǎo)演是明智之舉?!浚凰;ㄕ?;耍小聰明【Don't get smart with me, young man. 小伙子,別跟我?;ㄕ?。】;衣冠楚楚的;衣著講究的;整潔而漂亮的;衣著光鮮的【You look very smart in that suit. 你穿上這套衣服顯得很精神。// They were wearing their smartest clothes. 他們都穿了最講究的衣服?!?;時(shí)髦人物的;高檔的【one of Bonn's smartest restaurants 波恩最高檔的餐廳之一】;智能的;由計(jì)算機(jī)控制【smart weapons 智能武器 // smart phone 智能手機(jī)】;(動(dòng)作等) 快速的;敏捷的;迅速而有力的【a smart blow on the head 對(duì)頭上的迅速而有力的一擊 // She set off at a smart pace (=fairly fast). 她以相當(dāng)快的速度出發(fā)了?!浚籿. (因批評(píng)、失敗等)難過(guò),煩惱【She was still smarting from the insult. 她仍因受到侮辱而感到難過(guò)?!浚桓械絼×掖掏础綧y eyes were smarting with the smoke. 我的眼睛被煙熏得刺痛。】

405. admire:/?d?ma??r/ v. 欽佩;贊賞;仰慕【I really admire the way she brings up those kids all on her own. 我真的很佩服她獨(dú)自撫養(yǎng)這些孩子的做法。// I really admire Ken Loach. I think he is a fantastic film maker. 我真的很仰慕肯·洛奇。我認(rèn)為他是一位出色的電影制作人。// Lewis was much admired for his work on medieval literature. 劉易斯因其中世紀(jì)文學(xué)作品而備受贊賞。】;欣賞【He stood back to admire his handiwork. 他退后幾步欣賞他的手工制品。// We stopped halfway to admire the view. 我們中途停下來(lái)欣賞風(fēng)景。// Sal stood back to admire her work. 薩爾站起身來(lái)欣賞她的作品?!?lt;注意:當(dāng)'admire'表示“欽佩;贊賞;仰慕”時(shí),不能用進(jìn)行時(shí),我們可以說(shuō):I admire him for his courage (=I respect and like him). 但是不能說(shuō):I am admiring him.  當(dāng)'admire'表示“欣賞”時(shí),常用進(jìn)行時(shí),如:He was admiring himself in the mirror (=he was looking at himself). 也可以說(shuō):He admired himself in the mirror.>

406. square:/skwer/ adj.  正方形的;四方形的【a large square room 一個(gè)巨大的四方形房間】;成直角的;方的【square corners 直角,方角】;(與長(zhǎng)度單位連用)平方的【an area of 20 square metres 20平方米的面積】;正的;相等的;水平的;(和某物)相齊,平行【I don't think the shelf is square with the floor. 我不認(rèn)為架子和地板是平行的。】;彼此無(wú)欠賬的;兩清的;結(jié)清賬的【Here's the USD10 I owe you─now we're square. 這是我欠你的10美元——這下我們兩清了?!?;打平的;平局的【The teams were all square at half-time. 兩隊(duì)上半場(chǎng)打成平局?!?;公平的,公正的,誠(chéng)實(shí)的【a square deal 公平交易 // Are you being square with me? 你對(duì)我是以誠(chéng)相待嗎?】;(和某事物)相一致的,相吻合的【That isn't quite square with what you said yesterday. 這跟你昨天所講的不大吻合?!浚籲. 正方形;四方形;正方形物【First of all, draw a square. 首先,畫一個(gè)正方形?!?;城鎮(zhèn);(通常為方形的)廣場(chǎng)【The hotel is just off the main square of Sorrento. 酒店就在索倫托的主廣場(chǎng)附近?!浚皇钩善椒?;使成二次冪【The square of 7 is 49. 7的平方是49。】;v. 使成平方;使成二次冪【10 squared equals a hundred. 10的平方是100?!?/p>

407. tuna:/?tju?n?/ n. 金槍魚;金槍魚肉

408. liberate:/?l?b?re?t/ v. 解放;使自由;使擺脫約束(或限制)【The city was liberated by the advancing army. 軍隊(duì)向前挺進(jìn),解放了那座城市。// Writing poetry liberated her from the routine of everyday life. 寫詩(shī)使她從日常生活的例行公事中解脫出來(lái)?!?/p>

409. liberty:/?l?b?rti/ n. 自由【the fight for liberty and equality 爭(zhēng)取自由與平等的斗爭(zhēng) // threats to individual liberty 對(duì)個(gè)人自由的威脅 // The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all. 投票權(quán)應(yīng)當(dāng)是人人享有的合法權(quán)利?!?;冒犯行為(或言語(yǔ));放肆;失禮【I took the liberty of cancelling your reservation. 我冒昧地取消了您的預(yù)約。// They've got a liberty, not even sending me a reply. 他們真無(wú)禮,連個(gè)答復(fù)也不給我?!?lt;作為'冒犯行為(或言語(yǔ));放肆;失禮'時(shí),只能用單數(shù)形式。>;be at liberty to do sth 被準(zhǔn)許做… = to be allowed to do something【I'm not at liberty to reveal any names. 我無(wú)權(quán)透露任何人的名字。// What kind of intelligence? We're not at liberty to say. You're not at liberty to -- Oh, I see what's going on. You think you can scare me, so I'll give you details of my shipment. 什么情報(bào)?我們無(wú)權(quán)透露 你們無(wú)權(quán)...我明白是怎么回事了,你們以為能嚇唬到我,我就會(huì)把這批貨的細(xì)節(jié)告訴你們。】

410. trash:/tr??/ n. 廢物;垃圾【W(wǎng)ill someone take out the trash (=take it outside the house)? 誰(shuí)把垃圾帶出去扔。// It's time to lower the boom on these smokers. They leave trash everywhere. 是時(shí)候懲罰這些吸煙者了,他們到處亂扔垃圾。// Can you take the trash out, please? Tonight it's just organic waste. 你能把垃圾帶出去嗎,今晚就一些廚余垃圾?!浚涣淤|(zhì)品;拙劣的作品;糟粕;謬論【How can you read that trash? 你怎么能看那些亂七八糟的東西?】;窩囊廢,廢物【He finished their relationship, and told her she was trash. 他中斷了兩人的關(guān)系,還罵她是垃圾。】;v. 損壞;毀壞【The place got trashed last time we had a party. 上次我們?cè)谶@里開party時(shí),這地方被毀了。】;抨擊;譴責(zé)【The boss completely trashed her work, in front of everyone. 老板當(dāng)著眾人的面把她的工作批得一無(wú)是處?!?/p>

411. plug:/pl?ɡ/ n. 插頭;(電源)插座;轉(zhuǎn)換插頭【The plug on my iron needs changing. 我熨斗上的插頭需要換了。// Is there a plug in the bedroom that I can use for my hairdryer? 臥室里有沒有插座讓我用一下電吹風(fēng)?】;浴缸或水池的塞子;栓塞;堵塞物【the bath plug 浴缸塞子 // She pulled out the plug and let the water drain away. 她拔起塞子放掉了水。】; (書籍/電影) 推銷;宣傳【During the show she managed to put in a plug for her new book. 在演出期間,她設(shè)法為她的新書做了宣傳?!?;spark plug 火花塞;v. 堵塞;封堵【W(wǎng)e used mud to plug up the holes in the roof. 我們用泥堵住屋頂上的洞?!浚煌茝V;宣傳【Arnie was on the show to plug his new movie. Arnie在節(jié)目中為他的新電影做宣傳?!?/p>

412. corporation:/?k??rp??re???n/ n. 大公司;大企業(yè);集團(tuán)公司【This corporation is going to go bust if we continue to keep spending money like this. 如果我們繼續(xù)這樣花錢,這家公司將破產(chǎn)。// He works for a large American corporation. 他在一家美國(guó)大公司工作?!?/p>

413. honour:/??n?r/ (美式拼寫為 honor) n. 榮幸;光榮【It was a great honour to be invited here today. 今天承蒙邀請(qǐng)到此,深感榮幸?!?;榮譽(yù);名譽(yù);他人的尊敬;高尚品德【My father was a man of honour and great integrity. 我父親是個(gè)品德高尚的、正直的人。// He was prepared even to die in order to defend the honour of his family. 為了捍衛(wèi)家族的榮譽(yù),他甚至準(zhǔn)備犧牲。// For the French team, winning tomorrow's game is a matter of national honour. 對(duì)于法國(guó)隊(duì)來(lái)說(shuō),贏得明天的比賽關(guān)乎國(guó)家榮譽(yù)?!浚唬楸?yè)P(yáng)某人的)獎(jiǎng)勵(lì),榮譽(yù)稱號(hào),頭銜【The medal is the highest honour the association can bestow (=give). 獎(jiǎng)?wù)率菂f(xié)會(huì)能授予的最高榮譽(yù)?!浚蛔鹁?;尊重;崇敬【They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 他們肅立以示對(duì)她的敬意。】;v. 給予表?yè)P(yáng)(或獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)、頭銜、稱號(hào))【He was honored with an award for excellence in teaching. 他因在教學(xué)方面的卓越表現(xiàn)而被授予獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。// Two firefighters have been honoured for their courage. 兩名消防員因其勇氣而受到表彰?!?;尊敬,尊重(某人)【In a marriage, you need to honour one another. 在婚姻中,你們需要互相尊重。// I was treated like an honored guest. 我被當(dāng)作貴賓對(duì)待。】

414. honourable:/??n?r?b?l/ (美式拼寫為 honorable) adj. 可敬的;值得欽佩的【W(wǎng)ith a few honourable exceptions , the staff were found to be incompetent. 除了幾個(gè)優(yōu)秀的人以外,其他職員都不能勝任工作?!?;品格高尚的,值得尊敬的【a principled and honourable man 一個(gè)有原則的、可敬的人】;保護(hù)聲譽(yù)的;體面的【My father didn't think acting was an honorable profession. 我父親不認(rèn)為表演是一種體面的職業(yè)。// They urged her to do the honourable thing and resign. 他們力勸她辭職以保全名節(jié)?!?/p>

415. transient:/?tr?nzi?nt/ adj.短暫的;轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的;暫時(shí)的【A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect. 一杯威士忌只能使人暖和一會(huì)兒?!?;暫住的;過(guò)往的;臨時(shí)的【The city has a large transient population (= many people who are living in it only temporarily). 這個(gè)城市有大量的暫住人口?!?;n.暫住者;流動(dòng)人口【It's an organization set up to provide money and help for transients. 這個(gè)組織建立的目的就是給暫住者提供錢款和幫助?!?/p>

416. plunge:/pl?nd?/ v. 使突然前沖(或下落)【Her car swerved and plunged off the cliff. 她的車突然轉(zhuǎn)彎,從懸崖上掉了下來(lái)。<swerve /sw??rv/ 突然轉(zhuǎn)向,急轉(zhuǎn)彎> // Both the climbers had plunged to their deaths. 兩名登山者都已墜落身亡?!浚唬▋r(jià)格、溫度等) 暴跌;驟降;突降【The unemployment rate plunged sharply. 失業(yè)率急劇下降。// Oil prices have plunged to a new low. 油價(jià)已跌至新低。// In the recession, the company's profits plunged 60%. 在經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退中,該公司的利潤(rùn)暴跌了60%。】;n. (價(jià)格、數(shù)量的)暴跌,猛降,驟減【a dramatic plunge in house prices 房?jī)r(jià)急劇下跌】;突然跌落;突然分離;跳入;下跌;落下【I really enjoyed my plunge (= jumping in and swimming) in the pool. 我很喜歡在游泳池里跳水游泳?!?;卷入;參與【The company is planning a deeper plunge into the commercial market. 這家公司正計(jì)劃進(jìn)一步投入商業(yè)市場(chǎng)?!浚?b>take the plunge (尤指深思熟慮后)果斷行事,作出決定,決定冒險(xiǎn)嘗試,采取斷然行動(dòng)【You never know what the results will be, but the only way to find out is to take the plunge. 你永遠(yuǎn)不知道結(jié)果會(huì)是什么,找到答案的唯一方法就是采取行動(dòng)?!?/p>

417. symptom:/?s?mpt?m/ n. 癥狀;征候;征兆【Common symptoms of diabetes are weight loss and fatigue. 糖尿病的常見癥狀是體重減輕和疲勞。// The disappearance of jobs is a symptom of a deeper socioeconomic change. 工作崗位的消失是更深層次的社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)變化的征兆。】

418. professor:/pr??fes?r/ n. 教授;(大學(xué)的)講師,教員

419. balance:/?b?l?ns/ n. 均衡;平衡;均勢(shì)【Try to keep a balance between work and play. 努力在工作和娛樂之間保持平衡。// Pesticides seriously upset the balance of nature. 農(nóng)藥嚴(yán)重破壞了自然界的平衡?!?;(身體)平衡能力【I lost my balance and fell on my face. 我失去了平衡,摔倒在地?!?;余額,賬戶余額,結(jié)存,結(jié)余【Once we know how much money we'll need, let's spend the balance (= the amount left). 一旦知道了我們將需要多少錢,就把結(jié)余的錢花掉吧。// The company's success is reflected in its healthy bank balance. 該公司良好的銀行結(jié)存情況反映出其經(jīng)營(yíng)的成功?!?;天平;秤;on balance 總的說(shuō)來(lái),總的來(lái)說(shuō)【I would say that, on balance, it hasn't been a bad year. 總的說(shuō)來(lái),我覺得今年還不錯(cuò)?!?;v. 使(在某物上)保持平衡;立穩(wěn)【How long can you balance on one leg? 你單腿能站多久?// She balanced the cup on her knee. 她把杯子在膝蓋上放穩(wěn)?!?;相抵;抵消【This year's profits will balance our previous losses. 本年度的贏利將可彌補(bǔ)我們之前的虧損。// His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. 他的好學(xué)彌補(bǔ)了他經(jīng)驗(yàn)的不足?!浚?b>balance A and/with B 同等重視(相對(duì)的兩個(gè)事物或方面);權(quán)衡,斟酌【She tries to balance home life and career. 她力圖兼顧家庭生活和事業(yè)?!?;balance A against B 比較(兩個(gè)相對(duì)的事物);權(quán)衡重要性 【The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits. 法律咨詢的費(fèi)用與其效益需要權(quán)衡一下。】

420. jaw:/d???/ n. 頜;下巴;下頜;口部;嘴;v. 嘮嘮叨叨;喋喋不休【Stop jawing and let me get on with the work! 別嘮叨了,讓我繼續(xù)工作吧!】




Liberate 自由 Liberty 自由






accumulate voluntary interrupt smart admire square bangs liberate liberty trash flug corporation honour honourable transient plunge profess professor balance jaw







2021.6 大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四級(jí)真題詳解



大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四級(jí)真題詳解 第8版



大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四級(jí)真題詳解 第7版




